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Windows Event Log


Users set a path with which to collect events from that is the name of a channel like System, Application, etc.

There are 3 ways to select filter criteria rather than collecting all events:

  • query - A raw XPath or structured XML query used to filter events. This overrides any selected filters.
  • filters - A mapping of properties to allowed values. Every filter (equivalent to the and operator) must match any value (equivalent to the or operator). This option is a convenience for a query that is relatively basic.

    Rather than collect all events and perform filtering within the check, the filters are converted to an XPath expression. This approach offloads all filtering to the kernel (like query), which increases performance and reduces bandwidth usage when connecting to a remote machine.

  • included_messages/excluded_messages - These are regular expression patterns used to filter by events' messages specifically (if a message is found), with the exclude list taking precedence. These may be used in place of or with query/filters, as there exists no query construct by which to select a message attribute.

A pull subscription model is used. At every check run, the cached event log handle waits to be signaled for a configurable number of seconds. If signaled, the check then polls all available events in batches of a configurable size.

At configurable intervals, the most recently encountered event is saved to the filesystem. This is useful for preventing duplicate events being sent as a consequence of Agent restarts, especially when the start option is set to oldest.


Events may alternatively be configured to be submitted as logs. The code for that resides here.

Only a subset of the check's functionality is available. Namely, each log configuration will collect all events of the given channel without filtering, tagging, nor remote connection options.

This implementation uses the push subscription model. There is a bit of C in charge of rendering the relevant data and registering the Go tailer callback that ultimately sends the log to the backend.

Legacy mode

Setting legacy_mode to true in the check will use WMI to collect events, which is significantly more resource intensive. This mode has entirely different configuration options and will be removed in a future release.

Agent 6 can only use this mode as Python 2 does not support the new implementation.

Last update: August 16, 2022