The base class for any Agent based integration.
In general, you don't need to and you should not override anything from the base class except the check
method but sometimes it might be useful for a Check to have its own constructor.
When overriding __init__
you have to remember that, depending on the configuration, the Agent might create several different Check instances and the method would be called as many times.
Agent 6,7 signature:
AgentCheck(name, init_config, instances) # instances contain only 1 instance
Agent 8 signature:
AgentCheck(name, init_config, instance) # one instance
AgentCheck.check() # no more instance argument for check method
when loading a Custom check, the Agent will inspect the module searching for a subclass of AgentCheck
. If such a class exists but has been derived in turn, it'll be ignored - you should never derive from an existing Check.
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/checks/base.py
class AgentCheck(object):
The base class for any Agent based integration.
In general, you don't need to and you should not override anything from the base
class except the `check` method but sometimes it might be useful for a Check to
have its own constructor.
When overriding `__init__` you have to remember that, depending on the configuration,
the Agent might create several different Check instances and the method would be
called as many times.
Agent 6,7 signature:
AgentCheck(name, init_config, instances) # instances contain only 1 instance
Agent 8 signature:
AgentCheck(name, init_config, instance) # one instance
AgentCheck.check() # no more instance argument for check method
!!! note
when loading a Custom check, the Agent will inspect the module searching
for a subclass of `AgentCheck`. If such a class exists but has been derived in
turn, it'll be ignored - **you should never derive from an existing Check**.
# If defined, this will be the prefix of every metric/service check and the source type of events
__NAMESPACE__ = ''
# Used by `self.http` for an instance of RequestsWrapper
# Used by `create_tls_context` for an instance of RequestsWrapper
# Used by `self.set_metadata` for an instance of MetadataManager
# This is a mapping of metadata names to functions. When you call `self.set_metadata(name, value, **options)`,
# if `name` is in this mapping then the corresponding function will be called with the `value`, and the
# return value(s) will be sent instead.
# Transformer functions must satisfy the following signature:
# def transform_<NAME>(value: Any, options: dict) -> Union[str, Dict[str, str]]:
# If the return type is a string, then it will be sent as the value for `name`. If the return type is
# a mapping type, then each key will be considered a `name` and will be sent with its (str) value.
FIRST_CAP_RE = re.compile(br'(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)')
ALL_CAP_RE = re.compile(br'([a-z0-9])([A-Z])')
METRIC_REPLACEMENT = re.compile(br'([^a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)|(^[^a-zA-Z]+)')
TAG_REPLACEMENT = re.compile(br'[,\+\*\-/()\[\]{}\s]')
DOT_UNDERSCORE_CLEANUP = re.compile(br'_*\._*')
# allows to set a limit on the number of metric name and tags combination
# this check can send per run. This is useful for checks that have an unbounded
# number of tag values that depend on the input payload.
# The logic counts one set of tags per gauge/rate/monotonic_count call, and de-duplicates
# sets of tags for other metric types. The first N sets of tags in submission order will
# be sent to the aggregator, the rest are dropped. The state is reset after each run.
# See https://github.com/DataDog/integrations-core/pull/2093 for more information.
# Allow tracing for classic integrations
def __init_subclass__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
# https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/4660
super().__init_subclass__(*args, **kwargs) # type: ignore
return traced_class(cls)
except Exception:
return cls
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# type: (*Any, **Any) -> None
name (str):
the name of the check
init_config (dict):
the `init_config` section of the configuration.
instance (list[dict]):
a one-element list containing the instance options from the
configuration file (a list is used to keep backward compatibility with
older versions of the Agent).
# NOTE: these variable assignments exist to ease type checking when eventually assigned as attributes.
name = kwargs.get('name', '')
init_config = kwargs.get('init_config', {})
agentConfig = kwargs.get('agentConfig', {})
instances = kwargs.get('instances', [])
if len(args) > 0:
name = args[0]
if len(args) > 1:
init_config = args[1]
if len(args) > 2:
# agent pass instances as tuple but in test we are usually using list, so we are testing for both
if len(args) > 3 or not isinstance(args[2], (list, tuple)) or 'instances' in kwargs:
# old-style init: the 3rd argument is `agentConfig`
agentConfig = args[2]
if len(args) > 3:
instances = args[3]
# new-style init: the 3rd argument is `instances`
instances = args[2]
# NOTE: Agent 6+ should pass exactly one instance... But we are not abiding by that rule on our side
# everywhere just yet. It's complicated... See: https://github.com/DataDog/integrations-core/pull/5573
instance = instances[0] if instances else None
self.check_id = ''
self.name = name # type: str
self.init_config = init_config # type: InitConfigType
self.agentConfig = agentConfig # type: AgentConfigType
self.instance = instance # type: InstanceType
self.instances = instances # type: List[InstanceType]
self.warnings = [] # type: List[str]
self.disable_generic_tags = (
is_affirmative(self.instance.get('disable_generic_tags', False)) if instance else False
self.debug_metrics = {}
if self.init_config is not None:
self.debug_metrics.update(self.init_config.get('debug_metrics', {}))
if self.instance is not None:
self.debug_metrics.update(self.instance.get('debug_metrics', {}))
# `self.hostname` is deprecated, use `datadog_agent.get_hostname()` instead
self.hostname = datadog_agent.get_hostname() # type: str
logger = logging.getLogger('{}.{}'.format(__name__, self.name))
self.log = CheckLoggingAdapter(logger, self)
metric_patterns = self.instance.get('metric_patterns', {}) if instance else {}
if not isinstance(metric_patterns, dict):
raise ConfigurationError('Setting `metric_patterns` must be a mapping')
self.exclude_metrics_pattern = self._create_metrics_pattern(metric_patterns, 'exclude')
self.include_metrics_pattern = self._create_metrics_pattern(metric_patterns, 'include')
# TODO: Remove with Agent 5
# Set proxy settings
self.proxies = self._get_requests_proxy()
if not self.init_config:
self._use_agent_proxy = True
self._use_agent_proxy = is_affirmative(self.init_config.get('use_agent_proxy', True))
# TODO: Remove with Agent 5
self.default_integration_http_timeout = float(self.agentConfig.get('default_integration_http_timeout', 9))
self._deprecations = {
'increment': (
'DEPRECATION NOTICE: `AgentCheck.increment`/`AgentCheck.decrement` are deprecated, please '
'use `AgentCheck.gauge` or `AgentCheck.count` instead, with a different metric name'
'device_name': (
'DEPRECATION NOTICE: `device_name` is deprecated, please use a `device:` '
'tag in the `tags` list instead'
'in_developer_mode': (
'DEPRECATION NOTICE: `in_developer_mode` is deprecated, please stop using it.',
'no_proxy': (
'DEPRECATION NOTICE: The `no_proxy` config option has been renamed '
'to `skip_proxy` and will be removed in a future release.'
'service_tag': (
'DEPRECATION NOTICE: The `service` tag is deprecated and has been renamed to `%s`. '
'Set `disable_legacy_service_tag` to `true` to disable this warning. '
'The default will become `true` and cannot be changed in Agent version 8.'
'_config_renamed': (
'DEPRECATION NOTICE: The `%s` config option has been renamed '
'to `%s` and will be removed in a future release.'
} # type: Dict[str, Tuple[bool, str]]
# Setup metric limits
self.metric_limiter = self._get_metric_limiter(self.name, instance=self.instance)
# Lazily load and validate config
self._config_model_instance = None # type: Any
self._config_model_shared = None # type: Any
# Functions that will be called exactly once (if successful) before the first check run
self.check_initializations = deque() # type: Deque[Callable[[], None]]
self.__formatted_tags = None
self.__logs_enabled = None
if os.environ.get("GOFIPS", "0") == "1":
def _create_metrics_pattern(self, metric_patterns, option_name):
all_patterns = metric_patterns.get(option_name, [])
if not isinstance(all_patterns, list):
raise ConfigurationError('Setting `{}` of `metric_patterns` must be an array'.format(option_name))
metrics_patterns = []
for i, entry in enumerate(all_patterns, 1):
if not isinstance(entry, str):
raise ConfigurationError(
'Entry #{} of setting `{}` of `metric_patterns` must be a string'.format(i, option_name)
if not entry:
'Entry #%s of setting `%s` of `metric_patterns` must not be empty, ignoring', i, option_name
if metrics_patterns:
return re.compile('|'.join(metrics_patterns))
return None
def _get_metric_limiter(self, name, instance=None):
# type: (str, InstanceType) -> Optional[Limiter]
limit = self._get_metric_limit(instance=instance)
if limit > 0:
# See Performance Optimizations in this package's README.md.
from datadog_checks.base.utils.limiter import Limiter
return Limiter(name, 'metrics', limit, self.warning)
return None
def _get_metric_limit(self, instance=None):
# type: (InstanceType) -> int
if instance is None:
# NOTE: Agent 6+ will now always pass an instance when calling into a check, but we still need to
# account for this case due to some tests not always passing an instance on init.
"No instance provided (this is deprecated!). Reverting to the default metric limit: %s",
max_returned_metrics = instance.get('max_returned_metrics', self.DEFAULT_METRIC_LIMIT)
limit = int(max_returned_metrics)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
"Configured 'max_returned_metrics' cannot be interpreted as an integer: %s. "
"Reverting to the default limit: %s",
# Do not allow to disable limiting if the class has set a non-zero default value.
if limit == 0 and self.DEFAULT_METRIC_LIMIT > 0:
"Setting 'max_returned_metrics' to zero is not allowed. Reverting to the default metric limit: %s",
return limit
def http(self) -> RequestsWrapper:
Provides logic to yield consistent network behavior based on user configuration.
Only new checks or checks on Agent 6.13+ can and should use this for HTTP requests.
if not hasattr(self, '_http'):
# See Performance Optimizations in this package's README.md.
from datadog_checks.base.utils.http import RequestsWrapper
self._http = RequestsWrapper(self.instance or {}, self.init_config, self.HTTP_CONFIG_REMAPPER, self.log)
return self._http
def logs_enabled(self):
# type: () -> bool
Returns True if logs are enabled, False otherwise.
if self.__logs_enabled is None:
self.__logs_enabled = bool(datadog_agent.get_config('logs_enabled'))
return self.__logs_enabled
def formatted_tags(self):
# type: () -> str
if self.__formatted_tags is None:
normalized_tags = set()
for tag in self.instance.get('tags', []):
key, _, value = tag.partition(':')
if not value:
if self.disable_generic_tags and key in GENERIC_TAGS:
key = '{}_{}'.format(self.name, key)
normalized_tags.add('{}:{}'.format(key, value))
self.__formatted_tags = ','.join(sorted(normalized_tags))
return self.__formatted_tags
def diagnosis(self) -> Diagnosis:
A Diagnosis object to register explicit diagnostics and record diagnoses.
if not hasattr(self, '_diagnosis'):
# See Performance Optimizations in this package's README.md.
from datadog_checks.base.utils.diagnose import Diagnosis
self._diagnosis = Diagnosis(sanitize=self.sanitize)
return self._diagnosis
def get_tls_context(self, refresh=False, overrides=None):
# type: (bool, Dict[AnyStr, Any]) -> ssl.SSLContext
Creates and cache an SSLContext instance based on user configuration.
Note that user configuration can be overridden by using `overrides`.
This should only be applied to older integration that manually set config values.
Since: Agent 7.24
if not hasattr(self, '_tls_context_wrapper'):
# See Performance Optimizations in this package's README.md.
from datadog_checks.base.utils.tls import TlsContextWrapper
self._tls_context_wrapper = TlsContextWrapper(
self.instance or {}, self.TLS_CONFIG_REMAPPER, overrides=overrides
if refresh:
return self._tls_context_wrapper.tls_context
def metadata_manager(self) -> MetadataManager:
Used for sending metadata via Go bindings.
if not hasattr(self, '_metadata_manager'):
if not self.check_id and AGENT_RUNNING:
raise RuntimeError('Attribute `check_id` must be set')
# See Performance Optimizations in this package's README.md.
from datadog_checks.base.utils.metadata import MetadataManager
self._metadata_manager = MetadataManager(self.name, self.check_id, self.log, self.METADATA_TRANSFORMERS)
return self._metadata_manager
def check_version(self):
# type: () -> str
Return the dynamically detected integration version.
if not hasattr(self, '_check_version'):
# 'datadog_checks.<PACKAGE>.<MODULE>...'
module_parts = self.__module__.split('.')
package_path = '.'.join(module_parts[:2])
package = importlib.import_module(package_path)
# Provide a default just in case
self._check_version = getattr(package, '__version__', '0.0.0')
return self._check_version
def in_developer_mode(self):
# type: () -> bool
return False
def log_typos_in_options(self, user_config, models_config, level):
# See Performance Optimizations in this package's README.md.
from jellyfish import jaro_winkler_similarity
from pydantic import BaseModel
user_configs = user_config or {} # type: Dict[str, Any]
models_config = models_config or {}
typos = set() # type: Set[str]
known_options = {k for k, _ in models_config} # type: Set[str]
if isinstance(models_config, BaseModel):
# Also add aliases, if any
unknown_options = [option for option in user_configs.keys() if option not in known_options] # type: List[str]
for unknown_option in unknown_options:
similar_known_options = [] # type: List[Tuple[str, int]]
for known_option in known_options:
ratio = jaro_winkler_similarity(unknown_option, known_option)
similar_known_options.append((known_option, ratio))
if len(similar_known_options) > 0:
similar_known_options.sort(key=lambda option: option[1], reverse=True)
similar_known_options_names = [option[0] for option in similar_known_options] # type: List[str]
message = (
'Detected potential typo in configuration option in {}/{} section: `{}`. Did you mean {}?'
).format(self.name, level, unknown_option, ', or '.join(similar_known_options_names))
return typos
def load_configuration_models(self, package_path=None):
if package_path is None:
# 'datadog_checks.<PACKAGE>.<MODULE>...'
module_parts = self.__module__.split('.')
package_path = '{}.config_models'.format('.'.join(module_parts[:2]))
if self._config_model_shared is None:
shared_config = copy.deepcopy(self.init_config)
context = self._get_config_model_context(shared_config)
shared_model = self.load_configuration_model(package_path, 'SharedConfig', shared_config, context)
self.log_typos_in_options(shared_config, shared_model, 'init_config')
except Exception as e:
self.log.debug("Failed to detect typos in `init_config` section: %s", e)
if shared_model is not None:
self._config_model_shared = shared_model
if self._config_model_instance is None:
instance_config = copy.deepcopy(self.instance)
context = self._get_config_model_context(instance_config)
instance_model = self.load_configuration_model(package_path, 'InstanceConfig', instance_config, context)
self.log_typos_in_options(instance_config, instance_model, 'instances')
except Exception as e:
self.log.debug("Failed to detect typos in `instances` section: %s", e)
if instance_model is not None:
self._config_model_instance = instance_model
def load_configuration_model(import_path, model_name, config, context):
package = importlib.import_module(import_path)
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
# Don't fail if there are no models
if str(e).startswith('No module named '):
model = getattr(package, model_name, None)
if model is not None:
from pydantic import ValidationError
config_model = model.model_validate(config, context=context)
except ValidationError as e:
errors = e.errors()
num_errors = len(errors)
message_lines = [
'Detected {} error{} while loading configuration model `{}`:'.format(
num_errors, 's' if num_errors > 1 else '', model_name
for error in errors:
' -> '.join(
# Start array indexes at one for user-friendliness
str(loc + 1) if isinstance(loc, int) else str(loc)
for loc in error['loc']
message_lines.append(' {}'.format(error['msg']))
raise ConfigurationError('\n'.join(message_lines)) from None
return config_model
def _get_config_model_context(self, config):
return {'logger': self.log, 'warning': self.warning, 'configured_fields': frozenset(config)}
def register_secret(self, secret: str) -> None:
Register a secret to be scrubbed by `.sanitize()`.
if not hasattr(self, '_sanitizer'):
# See Performance Optimizations in this package's README.md.
from datadog_checks.base.utils.secrets import SecretsSanitizer
# Configure lazily so that checks that don't use sanitization aren't affected.
self._sanitizer = SecretsSanitizer()
def sanitize(self, text):
# type: (str) -> str
Scrub any registered secrets in `text`.
sanitizer = self._sanitizer
except AttributeError:
return text
return sanitizer.sanitize(text)
def _context_uid(self, mtype, name, tags=None, hostname=None):
# type: (int, str, Sequence[str], str) -> str
return '{}-{}-{}-{}'.format(mtype, name, tags if tags is None else hash(frozenset(tags)), hostname)
def submit_histogram_bucket(
self, name, value, lower_bound, upper_bound, monotonic, hostname, tags, raw=False, flush_first_value=False
# type: (str, float, int, int, bool, str, Sequence[str], bool, bool) -> None
if value is None:
# ignore metric sample
# make sure the value (bucket count) is an integer
value = int(value)
except ValueError:
err_msg = 'Histogram: {} has non integer value: {}. Only integer are valid bucket values (count).'.format(
repr(name), repr(value)
raise ValueError(err_msg)
tags = self._normalize_tags_type(tags, metric_name=name)
if hostname is None:
hostname = ''
self._format_namespace(name, raw),
def database_monitoring_query_sample(self, raw_event):
# type: (str) -> None
if raw_event is None:
aggregator.submit_event_platform_event(self, self.check_id, to_native_string(raw_event), "dbm-samples")
def database_monitoring_query_metrics(self, raw_event):
# type: (str) -> None
if raw_event is None:
aggregator.submit_event_platform_event(self, self.check_id, to_native_string(raw_event), "dbm-metrics")
def database_monitoring_query_activity(self, raw_event):
# type: (str) -> None
if raw_event is None:
aggregator.submit_event_platform_event(self, self.check_id, to_native_string(raw_event), "dbm-activity")
def database_monitoring_metadata(self, raw_event):
# type: (str) -> None
if raw_event is None:
aggregator.submit_event_platform_event(self, self.check_id, to_native_string(raw_event), "dbm-metadata")
def event_platform_event(self, raw_event, event_track_type):
# type: (str, str) -> None
"""Send an event platform event.
raw_event (str):
JSON formatted string representing the event to send
event_track_type (str):
type of event ingested and processed by the event platform
if raw_event is None:
aggregator.submit_event_platform_event(self, self.check_id, to_native_string(raw_event), event_track_type)
def should_send_metric(self, metric_name):
return not self._metric_excluded(metric_name) and self._metric_included(metric_name)
def _metric_included(self, metric_name):
if self.include_metrics_pattern is None:
return True
return self.include_metrics_pattern.search(metric_name) is not None
def _metric_excluded(self, metric_name):
if self.exclude_metrics_pattern is None:
return False
return self.exclude_metrics_pattern.search(metric_name) is not None
def _submit_metric(
self, mtype, name, value, tags=None, hostname=None, device_name=None, raw=False, flush_first_value=False
# type: (int, str, float, Sequence[str], str, str, bool, bool) -> None
if value is None:
# ignore metric sample
name = self._format_namespace(name, raw)
if not self.should_send_metric(name):
tags = self._normalize_tags_type(tags or [], device_name, name)
if hostname is None:
hostname = ''
if self.metric_limiter:
# Fast path for gauges, rates, monotonic counters, assume one set of tags per call
if self.metric_limiter.is_reached():
# Other metric types have a legit use case for several calls per set of tags, track unique sets of tags
context = self._context_uid(mtype, name, tags, hostname)
if self.metric_limiter.is_reached(context):
value = float(value)
except ValueError:
err_msg = 'Metric: {} has non float value: {}. Only float values can be submitted as metrics.'.format(
repr(name), repr(value)
raise ValueError(err_msg)
aggregator.submit_metric(self, self.check_id, mtype, name, value, tags, hostname, flush_first_value)
def gauge(self, name, value, tags=None, hostname=None, device_name=None, raw=False):
# type: (str, float, Sequence[str], str, str, bool) -> None
"""Sample a gauge metric.
name (str):
the name of the metric
value (float):
the value for the metric
tags (list[str]):
a list of tags to associate with this metric
hostname (str):
a hostname to associate with this metric. Defaults to the current host.
device_name (str):
**deprecated** add a tag in the form `device:<device_name>` to the `tags` list instead.
raw (bool):
whether to ignore any defined namespace prefix
aggregator.GAUGE, name, value, tags=tags, hostname=hostname, device_name=device_name, raw=raw
def count(self, name, value, tags=None, hostname=None, device_name=None, raw=False):
# type: (str, float, Sequence[str], str, str, bool) -> None
"""Sample a raw count metric.
name (str):
the name of the metric
value (float):
the value for the metric
tags (list[str]):
a list of tags to associate with this metric
hostname (str):
a hostname to associate with this metric. Defaults to the current host.
device_name (str):
**deprecated** add a tag in the form `device:<device_name>` to the `tags` list instead.
raw (bool):
whether to ignore any defined namespace prefix
aggregator.COUNT, name, value, tags=tags, hostname=hostname, device_name=device_name, raw=raw
def monotonic_count(
self, name, value, tags=None, hostname=None, device_name=None, raw=False, flush_first_value=False
# type: (str, float, Sequence[str], str, str, bool, bool) -> None
"""Sample an increasing counter metric.
name (str):
the name of the metric
value (float):
the value for the metric
tags (list[str]):
a list of tags to associate with this metric
hostname (str):
a hostname to associate with this metric. Defaults to the current host.
device_name (str):
**deprecated** add a tag in the form `device:<device_name>` to the `tags` list instead.
raw (bool):
whether to ignore any defined namespace prefix
flush_first_value (bool):
whether to sample the first value
def rate(self, name, value, tags=None, hostname=None, device_name=None, raw=False):
# type: (str, float, Sequence[str], str, str, bool) -> None
"""Sample a point, with the rate calculated at the end of the check.
name (str):
the name of the metric
value (float):
the value for the metric
tags (list[str]):
a list of tags to associate with this metric
hostname (str):
a hostname to associate with this metric. Defaults to the current host.
device_name (str):
**deprecated** add a tag in the form `device:<device_name>` to the `tags` list instead.
raw (bool):
whether to ignore any defined namespace prefix
aggregator.RATE, name, value, tags=tags, hostname=hostname, device_name=device_name, raw=raw
def histogram(self, name, value, tags=None, hostname=None, device_name=None, raw=False):
# type: (str, float, Sequence[str], str, str, bool) -> None
"""Sample a histogram metric.
name (str):
the name of the metric
value (float):
the value for the metric
tags (list[str]):
a list of tags to associate with this metric
hostname (str):
a hostname to associate with this metric. Defaults to the current host.
device_name (str):
**deprecated** add a tag in the form `device:<device_name>` to the `tags` list instead.
raw (bool):
whether to ignore any defined namespace prefix
aggregator.HISTOGRAM, name, value, tags=tags, hostname=hostname, device_name=device_name, raw=raw
def historate(self, name, value, tags=None, hostname=None, device_name=None, raw=False):
# type: (str, float, Sequence[str], str, str, bool) -> None
"""Sample a histogram based on rate metrics.
name (str):
the name of the metric
value (float):
the value for the metric
tags (list[str]):
a list of tags to associate with this metric
hostname (str):
a hostname to associate with this metric. Defaults to the current host.
device_name (str):
**deprecated** add a tag in the form `device:<device_name>` to the `tags` list instead.
raw (bool):
whether to ignore any defined namespace prefix
aggregator.HISTORATE, name, value, tags=tags, hostname=hostname, device_name=device_name, raw=raw
def increment(self, name, value=1, tags=None, hostname=None, device_name=None, raw=False):
# type: (str, float, Sequence[str], str, str, bool) -> None
"""Increment a counter metric.
name (str):
the name of the metric
value (float):
the value for the metric
tags (list[str]):
a list of tags to associate with this metric
hostname (str):
a hostname to associate with this metric. Defaults to the current host.
device_name (str):
**deprecated** add a tag in the form `device:<device_name>` to the `tags` list instead.
raw (bool):
whether to ignore any defined namespace prefix
aggregator.COUNTER, name, value, tags=tags, hostname=hostname, device_name=device_name, raw=raw
def decrement(self, name, value=-1, tags=None, hostname=None, device_name=None, raw=False):
# type: (str, float, Sequence[str], str, str, bool) -> None
"""Decrement a counter metric.
name (str):
the name of the metric
value (float):
the value for the metric
tags (list[str]):
a list of tags to associate with this metric
hostname (str):
a hostname to associate with this metric. Defaults to the current host.
device_name (str):
**deprecated** add a tag in the form `device:<device_name>` to the `tags` list instead.
raw (bool):
whether to ignore any defined namespace prefix
aggregator.COUNTER, name, value, tags=tags, hostname=hostname, device_name=device_name, raw=raw
def service_check(self, name, status, tags=None, hostname=None, message=None, raw=False):
# type: (str, ServiceCheckStatus, Sequence[str], str, str, bool) -> None
"""Send the status of a service.
!!! warning "Soft Deprecation"
When building new checks avoid submitting service checks.
**Checks that already submit service checks will continue to do so.**
name (str):
the name of the service check
status (int):
a constant describing the service status
tags (list[str]):
a list of tags to associate with this service check
message (str):
additional information or a description of why this status occurred.
raw (bool):
whether to ignore any defined namespace prefix
tags = self._normalize_tags_type(tags or [])
if hostname is None:
hostname = ''
if message is None:
message = ''
message = to_native_string(message)
message = self.sanitize(message)
self, self.check_id, self._format_namespace(name, raw), status, tags, hostname, message
def send_log(self, data, cursor=None, stream='default'):
# type: (dict[str, str], dict[str, Any] | None, str) -> None
"""Send a log for submission.
data (dict[str, str]):
The log data to send. The following keys are treated specially, if present:
- timestamp: should be an integer or float representing the number of seconds since the Unix epoch
- ddtags: if not defined, it will automatically be set based on the instance's `tags` option
cursor (dict[str, Any] or None):
Metadata associated with the log which will be saved to disk. The most recent value may be
retrieved with the `get_log_cursor` method.
stream (str):
The stream associated with this log, used for accurate cursor persistence.
Has no effect if `cursor` argument is `None`.
attributes = data.copy()
if 'ddtags' not in attributes and self.formatted_tags:
attributes['ddtags'] = self.formatted_tags
timestamp = attributes.get('timestamp')
if timestamp is not None:
# convert seconds to milliseconds
attributes['timestamp'] = int(timestamp * 1000)
datadog_agent.send_log(json.encode(attributes), self.check_id)
if cursor is not None:
self.write_persistent_cache('log_cursor_{}'.format(stream), json.encode(cursor))
def get_log_cursor(self, stream='default'):
# type: (str) -> dict[str, Any] | None
"""Returns the most recent log cursor from disk."""
data = self.read_persistent_cache('log_cursor_{}'.format(stream))
return json.decode(data) if data else None
def _log_deprecation(self, deprecation_key, *args):
# type: (str, *str) -> None
Logs a deprecation notice at most once per AgentCheck instance, for the pre-defined `deprecation_key`
sent, message = self._deprecations[deprecation_key]
if sent:
self.warning(message, *args)
self._deprecations[deprecation_key] = (True, message)
# TODO: Remove once our checks stop calling it
def service_metadata(self, meta_name, value):
# type: (str, Any) -> None
def set_metadata(self, name, value, **options):
# type: (str, Any, **Any) -> None
"""Updates the cached metadata `name` with `value`, which is then sent by the Agent at regular intervals.
name (str):
the name of the metadata
value (Any):
the value for the metadata. if ``name`` has no transformer defined then the
raw ``value`` will be submitted and therefore it must be a ``str``
options (Any):
keyword arguments to pass to any defined transformer
self.metadata_manager.submit(name, value, options)
def is_metadata_collection_enabled():
# type: () -> bool
return is_affirmative(datadog_agent.get_config('enable_metadata_collection'))
def metadata_entrypoint(cls, method):
# type: (Callable[..., None]) -> Callable[..., None]
Skip execution of the decorated method if metadata collection is disabled on the Agent.
class MyCheck(AgentCheck):
def collect_metadata(self):
def entrypoint(self, *args, **kwargs):
# type: (AgentCheck, *Any, **Any) -> None
if not self.is_metadata_collection_enabled():
# NOTE: error handling still at the discretion of the wrapped method.
method(self, *args, **kwargs)
return entrypoint
def _persistent_cache_id(self, key):
# type: (str) -> str
return '{}_{}'.format(self.check_id, key)
def read_persistent_cache(self, key):
# type: (str) -> str
"""Returns the value previously stored with `write_persistent_cache` for the same `key`.
key (str):
the key to retrieve
return datadog_agent.read_persistent_cache(self._persistent_cache_id(key))
def write_persistent_cache(self, key, value):
# type: (str, str) -> None
"""Stores `value` in a persistent cache for this check instance.
The cache is located in a path where the agent is guaranteed to have read & write permissions. Namely in
- `%ProgramData%\\Datadog\\run` on Windows.
- `/opt/datadog-agent/run` everywhere else.
The cache is persistent between agent restarts but will be rebuilt if the check instance configuration changes.
key (str):
the key to retrieve
value (str):
the value to store
datadog_agent.write_persistent_cache(self._persistent_cache_id(key), value)
def set_external_tags(self, external_tags):
# type: (Sequence[ExternalTagType]) -> None
# Example of external_tags format
# [
# ('hostname', {'src_name': ['test:t1']}),
# ('hostname2', {'src2_name': ['test2:t3']})
# ]
new_tags = []
for hostname, source_map in external_tags:
new_tags.append((to_native_string(hostname), source_map))
for src_name, tags in source_map.items():
source_map[src_name] = self._normalize_tags_type(tags)
except IndexError:
self.log.exception('Unexpected external tags format: %s', external_tags)
def convert_to_underscore_separated(self, name):
# type: (Union[str, bytes]) -> bytes
Convert from CamelCase to camel_case
And substitute illegal metric characters
name = ensure_bytes(name)
metric_name = self.FIRST_CAP_RE.sub(br'\1_\2', name)
metric_name = self.ALL_CAP_RE.sub(br'\1_\2', metric_name).lower()
metric_name = self.METRIC_REPLACEMENT.sub(br'_', metric_name)
return self.DOT_UNDERSCORE_CLEANUP.sub(br'.', metric_name).strip(b'_')
def warning(self, warning_message, *args, **kwargs):
# type: (str, *Any, **Any) -> None
"""Log a warning message, display it in the Agent's status page and in-app.
Using *args is intended to make warning work like log.warn/debug/info/etc
and make it compliant with flake8 logging format linter.
warning_message (str):
the warning message
args (Any):
format string args used to format the warning message e.g. `warning_message % args`
kwargs (Any):
not used for now, but added to match Python logger's `warning` method signature
warning_message = to_native_string(warning_message)
# Interpolate message only if args is not empty. Same behavior as python logger:
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1dbe5373851acb85ba91f0be7b83c69563acd68d/Lib/logging/__init__.py#L368-L369
if args:
warning_message = warning_message % args
frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back # type: ignore
lineno = frame.f_lineno
# only log the last part of the filename, not the full path
filename = basename(frame.f_code.co_filename)
self.log.warning(warning_message, extra={'_lineno': lineno, '_filename': filename, '_check_id': self.check_id})
def get_warnings(self):
# type: () -> List[str]
Return the list of warnings messages to be displayed in the info page
warnings = self.warnings
self.warnings = []
return warnings
def get_diagnoses(self):
# type: () -> str
Return the list of diagnosis as a JSON encoded string.
The agent calls this method to retrieve diagnostics from integrations. This method
runs explicit diagnostics if available.
return json.encode([d._asdict() for d in (self.diagnosis.diagnoses + self.diagnosis.run_explicit())])
def _clear_diagnosis(self) -> None:
if hasattr(self, '_diagnosis'):
def _get_requests_proxy(self):
# type: () -> ProxySettings
# TODO: Remove with Agent 5
no_proxy_settings = {'http': None, 'https': None, 'no': []} # type: ProxySettings
# First we read the proxy configuration from datadog.conf
proxies = self.agentConfig.get('proxy', datadog_agent.get_config('proxy'))
if proxies:
proxies = proxies.copy()
# requests compliant dict
if proxies and 'no_proxy' in proxies:
proxies['no'] = proxies.pop('no_proxy')
return proxies if proxies else no_proxy_settings
def _format_namespace(self, s, raw=False):
# type: (str, bool) -> str
if not raw and self.__NAMESPACE__:
return '{}.{}'.format(self.__NAMESPACE__, to_native_string(s))
return to_native_string(s)
def normalize(self, metric, prefix=None, fix_case=False):
# type: (Union[str, bytes], Union[str, bytes], bool) -> str
Turn a metric into a well-formed metric name prefix.b.c
metric: The metric name to normalize
prefix: A prefix to to add to the normalized name, default None
fix_case: A boolean, indicating whether to make sure that the metric name returned is in "snake_case"
if isinstance(metric, str):
metric = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', metric).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
if fix_case:
name = self.convert_to_underscore_separated(metric)
if prefix is not None:
prefix = self.convert_to_underscore_separated(prefix)
name = self.METRIC_REPLACEMENT.sub(br'_', metric)
name = self.DOT_UNDERSCORE_CLEANUP.sub(br'.', name).strip(b'_')
name = self.MULTIPLE_UNDERSCORE_CLEANUP.sub(br'_', name)
if prefix is not None:
name = ensure_bytes(prefix) + b"." + name
return to_native_string(name)
def normalize_tag(self, tag):
# type: (Union[str, bytes]) -> str
"""Normalize tag values.
This happens for legacy reasons, when we cleaned up some characters (like '-')
which are allowed in tags.
if isinstance(tag, str):
tag = tag.encode('utf-8', 'ignore')
tag = self.TAG_REPLACEMENT.sub(br'_', tag)
tag = self.MULTIPLE_UNDERSCORE_CLEANUP.sub(br'_', tag)
tag = self.DOT_UNDERSCORE_CLEANUP.sub(br'.', tag).strip(b'_')
return to_native_string(tag)
def check(self, instance):
# type: (InstanceType) -> None
raise NotImplementedError
def cancel(self):
# type: () -> None
This method is called when the check in unscheduled by the agent. This
is SIGNAL that the check is being unscheduled and can be called while
the check is running. It's up to the python implementation to make sure
cancel is thread safe and won't block.
def run(self):
# type: () -> str
# Ignore check initializations if running in a separate process
if is_affirmative(self.instance.get('process_isolation', self.init_config.get('process_isolation', False))):
from ..utils.replay.execute import run_with_isolation
run_with_isolation(self, aggregator, datadog_agent)
while self.check_initializations:
initialization = self.check_initializations.popleft()
except Exception:
instance = copy.deepcopy(self.instances[0])
if 'set_breakpoint' in self.init_config:
from ..utils.agent.debug import enter_pdb
enter_pdb(self.check, line=self.init_config['set_breakpoint'], args=(instance,))
elif self.should_profile_memory():
# self.init_config['profile_memory'] could be `/tmp/datadog-agent-memory-profiler*`
# that is generated by Datadog Agent.
# If we use `--m-dir` for `agent check` command, a hidden flag, it should be same as a given value.
namespaces = [self.init_config['profile_memory']]
for id in self.check_id.split(":"):
self.profile_memory(func=self.check, namespaces=namespaces, args=(instance,))
error_report = ''
except Exception as e:
message = self.sanitize(str(e))
tb = self.sanitize(traceback.format_exc())
error_report = json.encode([{'message': message, 'traceback': tb}])
if self.metric_limiter:
if is_affirmative(self.debug_metrics.get('metric_contexts', False)):
debug_metrics = self.metric_limiter.get_debug_metrics()
# Reset so we can actually submit the metrics
tags = self.get_debug_metric_tags()
for metric_name, value in debug_metrics:
self.gauge(metric_name, value, tags=tags, raw=True)
return error_report
def event(self, event):
# type: (Event) -> None
"""Send an event.
An event is a dictionary with the following keys and data types:
"timestamp": int, # the epoch timestamp for the event
"event_type": str, # the event name
"api_key": str, # the api key for your account
"msg_title": str, # the title of the event
"msg_text": str, # the text body of the event
"aggregation_key": str, # a key to use for aggregating events
"alert_type": str, # (optional) one of ('error', 'warning', 'success', 'info'), defaults to 'info'
"source_type_name": str, # (optional) the source type name
"host": str, # (optional) the name of the host
"tags": list, # (optional) a list of tags to associate with this event
"priority": str, # (optional) specifies the priority of the event ("normal" or "low")
event (dict[str, Any]):
the event to be sent
# Enforce types of some fields, considerably facilitates handling in go bindings downstream
for key, value in event.items():
if not isinstance(value, (str, bytes)):
event[key] = to_native_string(value) # type: ignore
# ^ Mypy complains about dynamic key assignment -- arguably for good reason.
# Ideally we should convert this to a dict literal so that submitted events only include known keys.
except UnicodeError:
self.log.warning('Encoding error with field `%s`, cannot submit event', key)
if event.get('tags'):
event['tags'] = self._normalize_tags_type(event['tags'])
if event.get('timestamp'):
event['timestamp'] = int(event['timestamp'])
if event.get('aggregation_key'):
event['aggregation_key'] = to_native_string(event['aggregation_key'])
if self.__NAMESPACE__:
event.setdefault('source_type_name', self.__NAMESPACE__)
aggregator.submit_event(self, self.check_id, event)
def _normalize_tags_type(self, tags, device_name=None, metric_name=None):
# type: (Sequence[Union[None, str, bytes]], str, str) -> List[str]
Normalize tags contents and type:
- append `device_name` as `device:` tag
- normalize tags type
- doesn't mutate the passed list, returns a new list
normalized_tags = []
if device_name:
except UnicodeError:
'Encoding error with device name `%r` for metric `%r`, ignoring tag', device_name, metric_name
for tag in tags:
if tag is None:
tag = to_native_string(tag)
except UnicodeError:
self.log.warning('Encoding error with tag `%s` for metric `%s`, ignoring tag', tag, metric_name)
if self.disable_generic_tags:
return normalized_tags
def degeneralise_tag(self, tag):
split_tag = tag.split(':', 1)
if len(split_tag) > 1:
tag_name, value = split_tag
tag_name = tag
value = None
if tag_name in GENERIC_TAGS:
new_name = '{}_{}'.format(self.name, tag_name)
if value:
return '{}:{}'.format(new_name, value)
return new_name
return tag
def get_debug_metric_tags(self):
tags = ['check_name:{}'.format(self.name), 'check_version:{}'.format(self.check_version)]
tags.extend(self.instance.get('tags', []))
return tags
def get_memory_profile_tags(self):
# type: () -> List[str]
tags = self.get_debug_metric_tags()
tags.extend(self.instance.get('__memory_profiling_tags', []))
return tags
def should_profile_memory(self):
# type: () -> bool
return 'profile_memory' in self.init_config or (
datadog_agent.tracemalloc_enabled() and should_profile_memory(datadog_agent, self.name)
def profile_memory(self, func, namespaces=None, args=(), kwargs=None, extra_tags=None):
# type: (Callable[..., Any], Optional[Sequence[str]], Sequence[Any], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], Optional[List[str]]) -> None # noqa: E501
from ..utils.agent.memory import profile_memory
if namespaces is None:
namespaces = self.check_id.split(':', 1)
tags = self.get_memory_profile_tags()
if extra_tags is not None:
metrics = profile_memory(func, self.init_config, namespaces=namespaces, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
for m in metrics:
self.gauge(m.name, m.value, tags=tags, raw=True)
def load_config(yaml_str: str) -> Any:
Convenience wrapper to ease programmatic use of this class from the C API.
import subprocess
import sys
process = subprocess.Popen(
[sys.executable, '-c', 'import sys, yaml; print(yaml.safe_load(sys.stdin.read()))'],
stdout, stderr = process.communicate(yaml_str.encode())
if process.returncode != 0:
raise ValueError(f'Failed to load config: {stderr.decode()}')
decoded = stdout.strip().decode()
return eval(decoded)
# a single, literal unquoted string
except Exception:
return decoded
http: RequestsWrapper
Provides logic to yield consistent network behavior based on user configuration.
Only new checks or checks on Agent 6.13+ can and should use this for HTTP requests.
gauge(name, value, tags=None, hostname=None, device_name=None, raw=False)
Sample a gauge metric.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
name | str | the name of the metric | required |
value | float | the value for the metric | required |
tags | list[str] | a list of tags to associate with this metric | None |
hostname | str | a hostname to associate with this metric. Defaults to the current host. | None |
device_name | str | deprecated add a tag in the form | None |
raw | bool | whether to ignore any defined namespace prefix | False |
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/checks/base.py
def gauge(self, name, value, tags=None, hostname=None, device_name=None, raw=False):
# type: (str, float, Sequence[str], str, str, bool) -> None
"""Sample a gauge metric.
name (str):
the name of the metric
value (float):
the value for the metric
tags (list[str]):
a list of tags to associate with this metric
hostname (str):
a hostname to associate with this metric. Defaults to the current host.
device_name (str):
**deprecated** add a tag in the form `device:<device_name>` to the `tags` list instead.
raw (bool):
whether to ignore any defined namespace prefix
aggregator.GAUGE, name, value, tags=tags, hostname=hostname, device_name=device_name, raw=raw
count(name, value, tags=None, hostname=None, device_name=None, raw=False)
Sample a raw count metric.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
name | str | the name of the metric | required |
value | float | the value for the metric | required |
tags | list[str] | a list of tags to associate with this metric | None |
hostname | str | a hostname to associate with this metric. Defaults to the current host. | None |
device_name | str | deprecated add a tag in the form | None |
raw | bool | whether to ignore any defined namespace prefix | False |
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/checks/base.py
def count(self, name, value, tags=None, hostname=None, device_name=None, raw=False):
# type: (str, float, Sequence[str], str, str, bool) -> None
"""Sample a raw count metric.
name (str):
the name of the metric
value (float):
the value for the metric
tags (list[str]):
a list of tags to associate with this metric
hostname (str):
a hostname to associate with this metric. Defaults to the current host.
device_name (str):
**deprecated** add a tag in the form `device:<device_name>` to the `tags` list instead.
raw (bool):
whether to ignore any defined namespace prefix
aggregator.COUNT, name, value, tags=tags, hostname=hostname, device_name=device_name, raw=raw
monotonic_count(name, value, tags=None, hostname=None, device_name=None, raw=False, flush_first_value=False)
Sample an increasing counter metric.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
name | str | the name of the metric | required |
value | float | the value for the metric | required |
tags | list[str] | a list of tags to associate with this metric | None |
hostname | str | a hostname to associate with this metric. Defaults to the current host. | None |
device_name | str | deprecated add a tag in the form | None |
raw | bool | whether to ignore any defined namespace prefix | False |
flush_first_value | bool | whether to sample the first value | False |
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/checks/base.py
def monotonic_count(
self, name, value, tags=None, hostname=None, device_name=None, raw=False, flush_first_value=False
# type: (str, float, Sequence[str], str, str, bool, bool) -> None
"""Sample an increasing counter metric.
name (str):
the name of the metric
value (float):
the value for the metric
tags (list[str]):
a list of tags to associate with this metric
hostname (str):
a hostname to associate with this metric. Defaults to the current host.
device_name (str):
**deprecated** add a tag in the form `device:<device_name>` to the `tags` list instead.
raw (bool):
whether to ignore any defined namespace prefix
flush_first_value (bool):
whether to sample the first value
rate(name, value, tags=None, hostname=None, device_name=None, raw=False)
Sample a point, with the rate calculated at the end of the check.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
name | str | the name of the metric | required |
value | float | the value for the metric | required |
tags | list[str] | a list of tags to associate with this metric | None |
hostname | str | a hostname to associate with this metric. Defaults to the current host. | None |
device_name | str | deprecated add a tag in the form | None |
raw | bool | whether to ignore any defined namespace prefix | False |
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/checks/base.py
def rate(self, name, value, tags=None, hostname=None, device_name=None, raw=False):
# type: (str, float, Sequence[str], str, str, bool) -> None
"""Sample a point, with the rate calculated at the end of the check.
name (str):
the name of the metric
value (float):
the value for the metric
tags (list[str]):
a list of tags to associate with this metric
hostname (str):
a hostname to associate with this metric. Defaults to the current host.
device_name (str):
**deprecated** add a tag in the form `device:<device_name>` to the `tags` list instead.
raw (bool):
whether to ignore any defined namespace prefix
aggregator.RATE, name, value, tags=tags, hostname=hostname, device_name=device_name, raw=raw
histogram(name, value, tags=None, hostname=None, device_name=None, raw=False)
Sample a histogram metric.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
name | str | the name of the metric | required |
value | float | the value for the metric | required |
tags | list[str] | a list of tags to associate with this metric | None |
hostname | str | a hostname to associate with this metric. Defaults to the current host. | None |
device_name | str | deprecated add a tag in the form | None |
raw | bool | whether to ignore any defined namespace prefix | False |
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/checks/base.py
def histogram(self, name, value, tags=None, hostname=None, device_name=None, raw=False):
# type: (str, float, Sequence[str], str, str, bool) -> None
"""Sample a histogram metric.
name (str):
the name of the metric
value (float):
the value for the metric
tags (list[str]):
a list of tags to associate with this metric
hostname (str):
a hostname to associate with this metric. Defaults to the current host.
device_name (str):
**deprecated** add a tag in the form `device:<device_name>` to the `tags` list instead.
raw (bool):
whether to ignore any defined namespace prefix
aggregator.HISTOGRAM, name, value, tags=tags, hostname=hostname, device_name=device_name, raw=raw
historate(name, value, tags=None, hostname=None, device_name=None, raw=False)
Sample a histogram based on rate metrics.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
name | str | the name of the metric | required |
value | float | the value for the metric | required |
tags | list[str] | a list of tags to associate with this metric | None |
hostname | str | a hostname to associate with this metric. Defaults to the current host. | None |
device_name | str | deprecated add a tag in the form | None |
raw | bool | whether to ignore any defined namespace prefix | False |
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/checks/base.py
def historate(self, name, value, tags=None, hostname=None, device_name=None, raw=False):
# type: (str, float, Sequence[str], str, str, bool) -> None
"""Sample a histogram based on rate metrics.
name (str):
the name of the metric
value (float):
the value for the metric
tags (list[str]):
a list of tags to associate with this metric
hostname (str):
a hostname to associate with this metric. Defaults to the current host.
device_name (str):
**deprecated** add a tag in the form `device:<device_name>` to the `tags` list instead.
raw (bool):
whether to ignore any defined namespace prefix
aggregator.HISTORATE, name, value, tags=tags, hostname=hostname, device_name=device_name, raw=raw
service_check(name, status, tags=None, hostname=None, message=None, raw=False)
Send the status of a service.
Soft Deprecation
When building new checks avoid submitting service checks. Checks that already submit service checks will continue to do so.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
name | str | the name of the service check | required |
status | int | a constant describing the service status | required |
tags | list[str] | a list of tags to associate with this service check | None |
message | str | additional information or a description of why this status occurred. | None |
raw | bool | whether to ignore any defined namespace prefix | False |
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/checks/base.py
def service_check(self, name, status, tags=None, hostname=None, message=None, raw=False):
# type: (str, ServiceCheckStatus, Sequence[str], str, str, bool) -> None
"""Send the status of a service.
!!! warning "Soft Deprecation"
When building new checks avoid submitting service checks.
**Checks that already submit service checks will continue to do so.**
name (str):
the name of the service check
status (int):
a constant describing the service status
tags (list[str]):
a list of tags to associate with this service check
message (str):
additional information or a description of why this status occurred.
raw (bool):
whether to ignore any defined namespace prefix
tags = self._normalize_tags_type(tags or [])
if hostname is None:
hostname = ''
if message is None:
message = ''
message = to_native_string(message)
message = self.sanitize(message)
self, self.check_id, self._format_namespace(name, raw), status, tags, hostname, message
Send an event.
An event is a dictionary with the following keys and data types:
"timestamp": int, # the epoch timestamp for the event
"event_type": str, # the event name
"api_key": str, # the api key for your account
"msg_title": str, # the title of the event
"msg_text": str, # the text body of the event
"aggregation_key": str, # a key to use for aggregating events
"alert_type": str, # (optional) one of ('error', 'warning', 'success', 'info'), defaults to 'info'
"source_type_name": str, # (optional) the source type name
"host": str, # (optional) the name of the host
"tags": list, # (optional) a list of tags to associate with this event
"priority": str, # (optional) specifies the priority of the event ("normal" or "low")
Name | Type | Description | Default |
event | dict[str, Any] | the event to be sent | required |
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/checks/base.py
def event(self, event):
# type: (Event) -> None
"""Send an event.
An event is a dictionary with the following keys and data types:
"timestamp": int, # the epoch timestamp for the event
"event_type": str, # the event name
"api_key": str, # the api key for your account
"msg_title": str, # the title of the event
"msg_text": str, # the text body of the event
"aggregation_key": str, # a key to use for aggregating events
"alert_type": str, # (optional) one of ('error', 'warning', 'success', 'info'), defaults to 'info'
"source_type_name": str, # (optional) the source type name
"host": str, # (optional) the name of the host
"tags": list, # (optional) a list of tags to associate with this event
"priority": str, # (optional) specifies the priority of the event ("normal" or "low")
event (dict[str, Any]):
the event to be sent
# Enforce types of some fields, considerably facilitates handling in go bindings downstream
for key, value in event.items():
if not isinstance(value, (str, bytes)):
event[key] = to_native_string(value) # type: ignore
# ^ Mypy complains about dynamic key assignment -- arguably for good reason.
# Ideally we should convert this to a dict literal so that submitted events only include known keys.
except UnicodeError:
self.log.warning('Encoding error with field `%s`, cannot submit event', key)
if event.get('tags'):
event['tags'] = self._normalize_tags_type(event['tags'])
if event.get('timestamp'):
event['timestamp'] = int(event['timestamp'])
if event.get('aggregation_key'):
event['aggregation_key'] = to_native_string(event['aggregation_key'])
if self.__NAMESPACE__:
event.setdefault('source_type_name', self.__NAMESPACE__)
aggregator.submit_event(self, self.check_id, event)
set_metadata(name, value, **options)
Updates the cached metadata name
with value
, which is then sent by the Agent at regular intervals.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
name | str | the name of the metadata | required |
value | Any | the value for the metadata. if | required |
options | Any | keyword arguments to pass to any defined transformer | {} |
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/checks/base.py
def set_metadata(self, name, value, **options):
# type: (str, Any, **Any) -> None
"""Updates the cached metadata `name` with `value`, which is then sent by the Agent at regular intervals.
name (str):
the name of the metadata
value (Any):
the value for the metadata. if ``name`` has no transformer defined then the
raw ``value`` will be submitted and therefore it must be a ``str``
options (Any):
keyword arguments to pass to any defined transformer
self.metadata_manager.submit(name, value, options)
Skip execution of the decorated method if metadata collection is disabled on the Agent.
class MyCheck(AgentCheck):
def collect_metadata(self):
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/checks/base.py
def metadata_entrypoint(cls, method):
# type: (Callable[..., None]) -> Callable[..., None]
Skip execution of the decorated method if metadata collection is disabled on the Agent.
class MyCheck(AgentCheck):
def collect_metadata(self):
def entrypoint(self, *args, **kwargs):
# type: (AgentCheck, *Any, **Any) -> None
if not self.is_metadata_collection_enabled():
# NOTE: error handling still at the discretion of the wrapped method.
method(self, *args, **kwargs)
return entrypoint
Returns the value previously stored with write_persistent_cache
for the same key
Name | Type | Description | Default |
key | str | the key to retrieve | required |
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/checks/base.py
def read_persistent_cache(self, key):
# type: (str) -> str
"""Returns the value previously stored with `write_persistent_cache` for the same `key`.
key (str):
the key to retrieve
return datadog_agent.read_persistent_cache(self._persistent_cache_id(key))
write_persistent_cache(key, value)
Stores value
in a persistent cache for this check instance. The cache is located in a path where the agent is guaranteed to have read & write permissions. Namely in - %ProgramData%\Datadog\run
on Windows. - /opt/datadog-agent/run
everywhere else. The cache is persistent between agent restarts but will be rebuilt if the check instance configuration changes.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
key | str | the key to retrieve | required |
value | str | the value to store | required |
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/checks/base.py
def write_persistent_cache(self, key, value):
# type: (str, str) -> None
"""Stores `value` in a persistent cache for this check instance.
The cache is located in a path where the agent is guaranteed to have read & write permissions. Namely in
- `%ProgramData%\\Datadog\\run` on Windows.
- `/opt/datadog-agent/run` everywhere else.
The cache is persistent between agent restarts but will be rebuilt if the check instance configuration changes.
key (str):
the key to retrieve
value (str):
the value to store
datadog_agent.write_persistent_cache(self._persistent_cache_id(key), value)
send_log(data, cursor=None, stream='default')
Send a log for submission.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
data | dict[str, str] | The log data to send. The following keys are treated specially, if present:
| required |
cursor | dict[str, Any] or None | Metadata associated with the log which will be saved to disk. The most recent value may be retrieved with the | None |
stream | str | The stream associated with this log, used for accurate cursor persistence. Has no effect if | 'default' |
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/checks/base.py
def send_log(self, data, cursor=None, stream='default'):
# type: (dict[str, str], dict[str, Any] | None, str) -> None
"""Send a log for submission.
data (dict[str, str]):
The log data to send. The following keys are treated specially, if present:
- timestamp: should be an integer or float representing the number of seconds since the Unix epoch
- ddtags: if not defined, it will automatically be set based on the instance's `tags` option
cursor (dict[str, Any] or None):
Metadata associated with the log which will be saved to disk. The most recent value may be
retrieved with the `get_log_cursor` method.
stream (str):
The stream associated with this log, used for accurate cursor persistence.
Has no effect if `cursor` argument is `None`.
attributes = data.copy()
if 'ddtags' not in attributes and self.formatted_tags:
attributes['ddtags'] = self.formatted_tags
timestamp = attributes.get('timestamp')
if timestamp is not None:
# convert seconds to milliseconds
attributes['timestamp'] = int(timestamp * 1000)
datadog_agent.send_log(json.encode(attributes), self.check_id)
if cursor is not None:
self.write_persistent_cache('log_cursor_{}'.format(stream), json.encode(cursor))
Returns the most recent log cursor from disk.
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/checks/base.py
def get_log_cursor(self, stream='default'):
# type: (str) -> dict[str, Any] | None
"""Returns the most recent log cursor from disk."""
data = self.read_persistent_cache('log_cursor_{}'.format(stream))
return json.decode(data) if data else None
warning(warning_message, *args, **kwargs)
Log a warning message, display it in the Agent's status page and in-app.
Using *args is intended to make warning work like log.warn/debug/info/etc and make it compliant with flake8 logging format linter.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
warning_message | str | the warning message | required |
args | Any | format string args used to format the warning message e.g. | () |
kwargs | Any | not used for now, but added to match Python logger's | {} |
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/checks/base.py
def warning(self, warning_message, *args, **kwargs):
# type: (str, *Any, **Any) -> None
"""Log a warning message, display it in the Agent's status page and in-app.
Using *args is intended to make warning work like log.warn/debug/info/etc
and make it compliant with flake8 logging format linter.
warning_message (str):
the warning message
args (Any):
format string args used to format the warning message e.g. `warning_message % args`
kwargs (Any):
not used for now, but added to match Python logger's `warning` method signature
warning_message = to_native_string(warning_message)
# Interpolate message only if args is not empty. Same behavior as python logger:
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1dbe5373851acb85ba91f0be7b83c69563acd68d/Lib/logging/__init__.py#L368-L369
if args:
warning_message = warning_message % args
frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back # type: ignore
lineno = frame.f_lineno
# only log the last part of the filename, not the full path
filename = basename(frame.f_code.co_filename)
self.log.warning(warning_message, extra={'_lineno': lineno, '_filename': filename, '_check_id': self.check_id})
This implements the methods defined by the Agent's C bindings which in turn call the Go backend.
It also provides utility methods for test assertions.
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/stubs/aggregator.py
class AggregatorStub(object):
This implements the methods defined by the Agent's
[C bindings](https://github.com/DataDog/datadog-agent/blob/master/rtloader/common/builtins/aggregator.c)
which in turn call the
[Go backend](https://github.com/DataDog/datadog-agent/blob/master/pkg/collector/python/aggregator.go).
It also provides utility methods for test assertions.
# Replicate the Enum we have on the Agent
METRIC_ENUM_MAP = OrderedDict(
('gauge', 0),
('rate', 1),
('count', 2),
('monotonic_count', 3),
('counter', 4),
('histogram', 5),
('historate', 6),
METRIC_ENUM_MAP_REV = {v: k for k, v in METRIC_ENUM_MAP.items()}
IGNORED_METRICS = {'datadog.agent.profile.memory.check_run_alloc'}
'gauge': 'gauge',
'rate': 'gauge',
'count': 'count',
'monotonic_count': 'count',
'counter': 'rate',
'histogram': 'rate', # Checking .count only, the other are gauges
'historate': 'rate', # Checking .count only, the other are gauges
def __init__(self):
def is_aggregate(cls, mtype):
return mtype in cls.AGGREGATE_TYPES
def ignore_metric(cls, name):
return name in cls.IGNORED_METRICS
def submit_metric(self, check, check_id, mtype, name, value, tags, hostname, flush_first_value):
check_tag_names(name, tags)
if not self.ignore_metric(name):
self._metrics[name].append(MetricStub(name, mtype, value, tags, hostname, None, flush_first_value))
def submit_metric_e2e(
self, check, check_id, mtype, name, value, tags, hostname, device=None, flush_first_value=False
check_tag_names(name, tags)
# Device is only present in metrics read from the real agent in e2e tests. Normally it is submitted as a tag
if not self.ignore_metric(name):
self._metrics[name].append(MetricStub(name, mtype, value, tags, hostname, device, flush_first_value))
def submit_service_check(self, check, check_id, name, status, tags, hostname, message):
if status == ServiceCheck.OK and message:
raise Exception("Expected empty message on OK service check")
check_tag_names(name, tags)
self._service_checks[name].append(ServiceCheckStub(check_id, name, status, tags, hostname, message))
def submit_event(self, check, check_id, event):
def submit_event_platform_event(self, check, check_id, raw_event, event_type):
def submit_histogram_bucket(
check_tag_names(name, tags)
HistogramBucketStub(name, value, lower_bound, upper_bound, monotonic, hostname, tags, flush_first_value)
def metrics(self, name):
Return the metrics received under the given name
return [
for stub in self._metrics.get(to_native_string(name), [])
def service_checks(self, name):
Return the service checks received under the given name
return [
for stub in self._service_checks.get(to_native_string(name), [])
def events(self):
Return all events
return self._events
def get_event_platform_events(self, event_type, parse_json=True):
Return all event platform events for the event_type
return [json.loads(e) if parse_json else e for e in self._event_platform_events[event_type]]
def histogram_bucket(self, name):
Return the histogram buckets received under the given name
return [
for stub in self._histogram_buckets.get(to_native_string(name), [])
def assert_metric_has_tags(self, metric_name, tags, count=None, at_least=1):
for tag in tags:
self.assert_metric_has_tag(metric_name, tag, count, at_least)
def assert_metric_has_tag(self, metric_name, tag, count=None, at_least=1):
Assert a metric is tagged with tag
candidates = []
candidates_with_tag = []
for metric in self.metrics(metric_name):
if tag in metric.tags:
if candidates_with_tag: # The metric was found with the tag but not enough times
msg = "The metric '{}' with tag '{}' was only found {}/{} times".format(metric_name, tag, count, at_least)
elif candidates:
msg = (
"The metric '{}' was found but not with the tag '{}'.\n".format(metric_name, tag)
+ "Similar submitted:\n"
+ "\n".join([" {}".format(m) for m in candidates])
expected_stub = MetricStub(metric_name, type=None, value=None, tags=[tag], hostname=None, device=None)
msg = "Metric '{}' not found".format(metric_name)
msg = "{}\n{}".format(msg, build_similar_elements_msg(expected_stub, self._metrics))
if count is not None:
assert len(candidates_with_tag) == count, msg
assert len(candidates_with_tag) >= at_least, msg
# Potential kwargs: aggregation_key, alert_type, event_type,
# msg_title, source_type_name
def assert_event(self, msg_text, count=None, at_least=1, exact_match=True, tags=None, **kwargs):
candidates = []
for e in self.events:
if exact_match and msg_text != e['msg_text'] or msg_text not in e['msg_text']:
if tags and set(tags) != set(e['tags']):
for name, value in kwargs.items():
if e[name] != value:
msg = "Candidates size assertion for `{}`, count: {}, at_least: {}) failed".format(msg_text, count, at_least)
if count is not None:
assert len(candidates) == count, msg
assert len(candidates) >= at_least, msg
def assert_histogram_bucket(
expected_tags = normalize_tags(tags, sort=True)
candidates = []
for bucket in self.histogram_bucket(name):
if value is not None and value != bucket.value:
if expected_tags and expected_tags != sorted(bucket.tags):
if hostname and hostname != bucket.hostname:
if monotonic != bucket.monotonic:
if flush_first_value is not None and flush_first_value != bucket.flush_first_value:
expected_bucket = HistogramBucketStub(
name, value, lower_bound, upper_bound, monotonic, hostname, tags, flush_first_value
if count is not None:
msg = "Needed exactly {} candidates for '{}', got {}".format(count, name, len(candidates))
condition = len(candidates) == count
msg = "Needed at least {} candidates for '{}', got {}".format(at_least, name, len(candidates))
condition = len(candidates) >= at_least
condition=condition, msg=msg, expected_stub=expected_bucket, submitted_elements=self._histogram_buckets
def assert_metric(
Assert a metric was processed by this stub
expected_tags = normalize_tags(tags, sort=True)
candidates = []
for metric in self.metrics(name):
if value is not None and not self.is_aggregate(metric.type) and value != metric.value:
if expected_tags and expected_tags != sorted(metric.tags):
if hostname is not None and hostname != metric.hostname:
if metric_type is not None and metric_type != metric.type:
if device is not None and device != metric.device:
if flush_first_value is not None and flush_first_value != metric.flush_first_value:
expected_metric = MetricStub(name, metric_type, value, expected_tags, hostname, device, flush_first_value)
if value is not None and candidates and all(self.is_aggregate(m.type) for m in candidates):
got = sum(m.value for m in candidates)
msg = "Expected count value for '{}': {}, got {}".format(name, value, got)
condition = value == got
elif count is not None:
msg = "Needed exactly {} candidates for '{}', got {}".format(count, name, len(candidates))
condition = len(candidates) == count
msg = "Needed at least {} candidates for '{}', got {}".format(at_least, name, len(candidates))
condition = len(candidates) >= at_least
self._assert(condition, msg=msg, expected_stub=expected_metric, submitted_elements=self._metrics)
def assert_service_check(self, name, status=None, tags=None, count=None, at_least=1, hostname=None, message=None):
Assert a service check was processed by this stub
tags = normalize_tags(tags, sort=True)
candidates = []
for sc in self.service_checks(name):
if status is not None and status != sc.status:
if tags and tags != sorted(sc.tags):
if hostname is not None and hostname != sc.hostname:
if message is not None and re.search(message, sc.message) is None:
expected_service_check = ServiceCheckStub(
None, name=name, status=status, tags=tags, hostname=hostname, message=message
if count is not None:
msg = "Needed exactly {} candidates for '{}', got {}".format(count, name, len(candidates))
condition = len(candidates) == count
msg = "Needed at least {} candidates for '{}', got {}".format(at_least, name, len(candidates))
condition = len(candidates) >= at_least
condition=condition, msg=msg, expected_stub=expected_service_check, submitted_elements=self._service_checks
def _assert(condition, msg, expected_stub, submitted_elements):
new_msg = msg
if not condition: # It's costly to build the message with similar metrics, so it's built only on failure.
new_msg = "{}\n{}".format(msg, build_similar_elements_msg(expected_stub, submitted_elements))
assert condition, new_msg
def assert_all_metrics_covered(self):
# use `condition` to avoid building the `msg` if not needed
condition = self.metrics_asserted_pct >= 100.0
msg = ''
if not condition:
prefix = '\n\t- '
msg = 'Some metrics are collected but not asserted:'
msg += '\nAsserted Metrics:{}{}'.format(prefix, prefix.join(sorted(self._asserted)))
msg += '\nFound metrics that are not asserted:{}{}'.format(prefix, prefix.join(sorted(self.not_asserted())))
assert condition, msg
def assert_metrics_using_metadata(
self, metadata_metrics, check_metric_type=True, check_submission_type=False, exclude=None
Assert metrics using metadata.csv
Checking type: By default we are asserting the in-app metric type (`check_submission_type=False`),
asserting this type make sense for e2e (metrics collected from agent).
For integrations tests, we can check the submission type with `check_submission_type=True`, or
use `check_metric_type=False` not to check types.
from datadog_checks.dev.utils import get_metadata_metrics
exclude = exclude or []
errors = set()
for metric_name, metric_stubs in self._metrics.items():
if metric_name in exclude:
for metric_stub in metric_stubs:
metric_stub_name = backend_normalize_metric_name(metric_stub.name)
actual_metric_type = AggregatorStub.METRIC_ENUM_MAP_REV[metric_stub.type]
# We only check `*.count` metrics for histogram and historate submissions
# Note: all Openmetrics histogram and summary metrics are actually separately submitted
if check_submission_type and actual_metric_type in ['histogram', 'historate']:
metric_stub_name += '.count'
# Checking the metric is in `metadata.csv`
if metric_stub_name not in metadata_metrics:
errors.add("Expect `{}` to be in metadata.csv.".format(metric_stub_name))
expected_metric_type = metadata_metrics[metric_stub_name]['metric_type']
if check_submission_type:
# Integration tests type mapping
actual_metric_type = AggregatorStub.METRIC_TYPE_SUBMISSION_TO_BACKEND_MAP[actual_metric_type]
# E2E tests
if actual_metric_type == 'monotonic_count' and expected_metric_type == 'count':
actual_metric_type = 'count'
if check_metric_type:
if expected_metric_type != actual_metric_type:
"Expect `{}` to have type `{}` but got `{}`.".format(
metric_stub_name, expected_metric_type, actual_metric_type
assert not errors, "Metadata assertion errors using metadata.csv:" + "\n\t- ".join([''] + sorted(errors))
def assert_service_checks(self, service_checks):
Assert service checks using service_checks.json
from datadog_checks.dev.utils import get_service_checks
errors = set()
for service_check_name, service_check_stubs in self._service_checks.items():
for service_check_stub in service_check_stubs:
# Checking the metric is in `service_checks.json`
if service_check_name not in [sc['check'] for sc in service_checks]:
errors.add("Expect `{}` to be in service_check.json.".format(service_check_name))
status_string = {value: key for key, value in ServiceCheck._asdict().items()}[
service_check = [c for c in service_checks if c['check'] == service_check_name][0]
if status_string not in service_check['statuses']:
"Expect `{}` value to be in service_check.json for service check {}.".format(
status_string, service_check_stub.name
assert not errors, "Service checks assertion errors using service_checks.json:" + "\n\t- ".join(
[''] + sorted(errors)
def assert_no_duplicate_all(self):
Assert no duplicate metrics and service checks have been submitted.
def assert_no_duplicate_metrics(self):
Assert no duplicate metrics have been submitted.
Metrics are considered duplicate when all following fields match:
- metric name
- type (gauge, rate, etc)
- tags
- hostname
# metric types that intended to be called multiple times are ignored
ignored_types = [self.COUNT, self.COUNTER]
metric_stubs = [m for metrics in self._metrics.values() for m in metrics if m.type not in ignored_types]
def stub_to_key_fn(stub):
return stub.name, stub.type, str(sorted(stub.tags)), stub.hostname
self._assert_no_duplicate_stub('metric', metric_stubs, stub_to_key_fn)
def assert_no_duplicate_service_checks(self):
Assert no duplicate service checks have been submitted.
Service checks are considered duplicate when all following fields match:
- metric name
- status
- tags
- hostname
service_check_stubs = [m for metrics in self._service_checks.values() for m in metrics]
def stub_to_key_fn(stub):
return stub.name, stub.status, str(sorted(stub.tags)), stub.hostname
self._assert_no_duplicate_stub('service_check', service_check_stubs, stub_to_key_fn)
def _assert_no_duplicate_stub(stub_type, all_metrics, stub_to_key_fn):
all_contexts = defaultdict(list)
for metric in all_metrics:
context = stub_to_key_fn(metric)
dup_contexts = defaultdict(list)
for context, metrics in all_contexts.items():
if len(metrics) > 1:
dup_contexts[context] = metrics
err_msg_lines = ["Duplicate {}s found:".format(stub_type)]
for key in sorted(dup_contexts):
contexts = dup_contexts[key]
err_msg_lines.append('- {}'.format(contexts[0].name))
for metric in contexts:
err_msg_lines.append(' ' + str(metric))
assert len(dup_contexts) == 0, "\n".join(err_msg_lines)
def reset(self):
Set the stub to its initial state
self._metrics = defaultdict(list)
self._asserted = set()
self._service_checks = defaultdict(list)
self._events = []
# dict[event_type, [events]]
self._event_platform_events = defaultdict(list)
self._histogram_buckets = defaultdict(list)
def all_metrics_asserted(self):
assert self.metrics_asserted_pct >= 100.0
def not_asserted(self):
present_metrics = {ensure_unicode(m) for m in self._metrics}
return present_metrics - set(self._asserted)
def assert_metric_has_tag_prefix(self, metric_name, tag_prefix, count=None, at_least=1):
candidates = []
for metric in self.metrics(metric_name):
tags = metric.tags
gtags = [t for t in tags if t.startswith(tag_prefix)]
if len(gtags) > 0:
msg = "Candidates size assertion for `{}`, count: {}, at_least: {}) failed".format(metric_name, count, at_least)
if count is not None:
assert len(candidates) == count, msg
assert len(candidates) >= at_least, msg
def metrics_asserted_pct(self):
Return the metrics assertion coverage
num_metrics = len(self._metrics)
num_asserted = len(self._asserted)
if num_metrics == 0:
if num_asserted == 0:
return 100
return 0
# If it there have been assertions with at_least=0 the length of the num_metrics and num_asserted can match
# even if there are different metrics in each set
not_asserted = self.not_asserted()
return (num_metrics - len(not_asserted)) / num_metrics * 100
def metric_names(self):
Return all the metric names we've seen so far
return [ensure_unicode(name) for name in self._metrics.keys()]
def service_check_names(self):
Return all the service checks names seen so far
return [ensure_unicode(name) for name in self._service_checks.keys()]
assert_metric(name, value=None, tags=None, count=None, at_least=1, hostname=None, metric_type=None, device=None, flush_first_value=None)
Assert a metric was processed by this stub
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/stubs/aggregator.py
def assert_metric(
Assert a metric was processed by this stub
expected_tags = normalize_tags(tags, sort=True)
candidates = []
for metric in self.metrics(name):
if value is not None and not self.is_aggregate(metric.type) and value != metric.value:
if expected_tags and expected_tags != sorted(metric.tags):
if hostname is not None and hostname != metric.hostname:
if metric_type is not None and metric_type != metric.type:
if device is not None and device != metric.device:
if flush_first_value is not None and flush_first_value != metric.flush_first_value:
expected_metric = MetricStub(name, metric_type, value, expected_tags, hostname, device, flush_first_value)
if value is not None and candidates and all(self.is_aggregate(m.type) for m in candidates):
got = sum(m.value for m in candidates)
msg = "Expected count value for '{}': {}, got {}".format(name, value, got)
condition = value == got
elif count is not None:
msg = "Needed exactly {} candidates for '{}', got {}".format(count, name, len(candidates))
condition = len(candidates) == count
msg = "Needed at least {} candidates for '{}', got {}".format(at_least, name, len(candidates))
condition = len(candidates) >= at_least
self._assert(condition, msg=msg, expected_stub=expected_metric, submitted_elements=self._metrics)
assert_metric_has_tag(metric_name, tag, count=None, at_least=1)
Assert a metric is tagged with tag
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/stubs/aggregator.py
def assert_metric_has_tag(self, metric_name, tag, count=None, at_least=1):
Assert a metric is tagged with tag
candidates = []
candidates_with_tag = []
for metric in self.metrics(metric_name):
if tag in metric.tags:
if candidates_with_tag: # The metric was found with the tag but not enough times
msg = "The metric '{}' with tag '{}' was only found {}/{} times".format(metric_name, tag, count, at_least)
elif candidates:
msg = (
"The metric '{}' was found but not with the tag '{}'.\n".format(metric_name, tag)
+ "Similar submitted:\n"
+ "\n".join([" {}".format(m) for m in candidates])
expected_stub = MetricStub(metric_name, type=None, value=None, tags=[tag], hostname=None, device=None)
msg = "Metric '{}' not found".format(metric_name)
msg = "{}\n{}".format(msg, build_similar_elements_msg(expected_stub, self._metrics))
if count is not None:
assert len(candidates_with_tag) == count, msg
assert len(candidates_with_tag) >= at_least, msg
assert_metric_has_tag_prefix(metric_name, tag_prefix, count=None, at_least=1)
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/stubs/aggregator.py
def assert_metric_has_tag_prefix(self, metric_name, tag_prefix, count=None, at_least=1):
candidates = []
for metric in self.metrics(metric_name):
tags = metric.tags
gtags = [t for t in tags if t.startswith(tag_prefix)]
if len(gtags) > 0:
msg = "Candidates size assertion for `{}`, count: {}, at_least: {}) failed".format(metric_name, count, at_least)
if count is not None:
assert len(candidates) == count, msg
assert len(candidates) >= at_least, msg
assert_service_check(name, status=None, tags=None, count=None, at_least=1, hostname=None, message=None)
Assert a service check was processed by this stub
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/stubs/aggregator.py
def assert_service_check(self, name, status=None, tags=None, count=None, at_least=1, hostname=None, message=None):
Assert a service check was processed by this stub
tags = normalize_tags(tags, sort=True)
candidates = []
for sc in self.service_checks(name):
if status is not None and status != sc.status:
if tags and tags != sorted(sc.tags):
if hostname is not None and hostname != sc.hostname:
if message is not None and re.search(message, sc.message) is None:
expected_service_check = ServiceCheckStub(
None, name=name, status=status, tags=tags, hostname=hostname, message=message
if count is not None:
msg = "Needed exactly {} candidates for '{}', got {}".format(count, name, len(candidates))
condition = len(candidates) == count
msg = "Needed at least {} candidates for '{}', got {}".format(at_least, name, len(candidates))
condition = len(candidates) >= at_least
condition=condition, msg=msg, expected_stub=expected_service_check, submitted_elements=self._service_checks
assert_event(msg_text, count=None, at_least=1, exact_match=True, tags=None, **kwargs)
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/stubs/aggregator.py
def assert_event(self, msg_text, count=None, at_least=1, exact_match=True, tags=None, **kwargs):
candidates = []
for e in self.events:
if exact_match and msg_text != e['msg_text'] or msg_text not in e['msg_text']:
if tags and set(tags) != set(e['tags']):
for name, value in kwargs.items():
if e[name] != value:
msg = "Candidates size assertion for `{}`, count: {}, at_least: {}) failed".format(msg_text, count, at_least)
if count is not None:
assert len(candidates) == count, msg
assert len(candidates) >= at_least, msg
assert_histogram_bucket(name, value, lower_bound, upper_bound, monotonic, hostname, tags, count=None, at_least=1, flush_first_value=None)
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/stubs/aggregator.py
def assert_histogram_bucket(
expected_tags = normalize_tags(tags, sort=True)
candidates = []
for bucket in self.histogram_bucket(name):
if value is not None and value != bucket.value:
if expected_tags and expected_tags != sorted(bucket.tags):
if hostname and hostname != bucket.hostname:
if monotonic != bucket.monotonic:
if flush_first_value is not None and flush_first_value != bucket.flush_first_value:
expected_bucket = HistogramBucketStub(
name, value, lower_bound, upper_bound, monotonic, hostname, tags, flush_first_value
if count is not None:
msg = "Needed exactly {} candidates for '{}', got {}".format(count, name, len(candidates))
condition = len(candidates) == count
msg = "Needed at least {} candidates for '{}', got {}".format(at_least, name, len(candidates))
condition = len(candidates) >= at_least
condition=condition, msg=msg, expected_stub=expected_bucket, submitted_elements=self._histogram_buckets
assert_metrics_using_metadata(metadata_metrics, check_metric_type=True, check_submission_type=False, exclude=None)
Assert metrics using metadata.csv
Checking type: By default we are asserting the in-app metric type (check_submission_type=False
), asserting this type make sense for e2e (metrics collected from agent). For integrations tests, we can check the submission type with check_submission_type=True
, or use check_metric_type=False
not to check types.
from datadog_checks.dev.utils import get_metadata_metrics
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/stubs/aggregator.py
def assert_metrics_using_metadata(
self, metadata_metrics, check_metric_type=True, check_submission_type=False, exclude=None
Assert metrics using metadata.csv
Checking type: By default we are asserting the in-app metric type (`check_submission_type=False`),
asserting this type make sense for e2e (metrics collected from agent).
For integrations tests, we can check the submission type with `check_submission_type=True`, or
use `check_metric_type=False` not to check types.
from datadog_checks.dev.utils import get_metadata_metrics
exclude = exclude or []
errors = set()
for metric_name, metric_stubs in self._metrics.items():
if metric_name in exclude:
for metric_stub in metric_stubs:
metric_stub_name = backend_normalize_metric_name(metric_stub.name)
actual_metric_type = AggregatorStub.METRIC_ENUM_MAP_REV[metric_stub.type]
# We only check `*.count` metrics for histogram and historate submissions
# Note: all Openmetrics histogram and summary metrics are actually separately submitted
if check_submission_type and actual_metric_type in ['histogram', 'historate']:
metric_stub_name += '.count'
# Checking the metric is in `metadata.csv`
if metric_stub_name not in metadata_metrics:
errors.add("Expect `{}` to be in metadata.csv.".format(metric_stub_name))
expected_metric_type = metadata_metrics[metric_stub_name]['metric_type']
if check_submission_type:
# Integration tests type mapping
actual_metric_type = AggregatorStub.METRIC_TYPE_SUBMISSION_TO_BACKEND_MAP[actual_metric_type]
# E2E tests
if actual_metric_type == 'monotonic_count' and expected_metric_type == 'count':
actual_metric_type = 'count'
if check_metric_type:
if expected_metric_type != actual_metric_type:
"Expect `{}` to have type `{}` but got `{}`.".format(
metric_stub_name, expected_metric_type, actual_metric_type
assert not errors, "Metadata assertion errors using metadata.csv:" + "\n\t- ".join([''] + sorted(errors))
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/stubs/aggregator.py
def assert_all_metrics_covered(self):
# use `condition` to avoid building the `msg` if not needed
condition = self.metrics_asserted_pct >= 100.0
msg = ''
if not condition:
prefix = '\n\t- '
msg = 'Some metrics are collected but not asserted:'
msg += '\nAsserted Metrics:{}{}'.format(prefix, prefix.join(sorted(self._asserted)))
msg += '\nFound metrics that are not asserted:{}{}'.format(prefix, prefix.join(sorted(self.not_asserted())))
assert condition, msg
Assert no duplicate metrics have been submitted.
Metrics are considered duplicate when all following fields match:
- metric name
- type (gauge, rate, etc)
- tags
- hostname
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/stubs/aggregator.py
def assert_no_duplicate_metrics(self):
Assert no duplicate metrics have been submitted.
Metrics are considered duplicate when all following fields match:
- metric name
- type (gauge, rate, etc)
- tags
- hostname
# metric types that intended to be called multiple times are ignored
ignored_types = [self.COUNT, self.COUNTER]
metric_stubs = [m for metrics in self._metrics.values() for m in metrics if m.type not in ignored_types]
def stub_to_key_fn(stub):
return stub.name, stub.type, str(sorted(stub.tags)), stub.hostname
self._assert_no_duplicate_stub('metric', metric_stubs, stub_to_key_fn)
Assert no duplicate service checks have been submitted.
Service checks are considered duplicate when all following fields match
- metric name
- status
- tags
- hostname
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/stubs/aggregator.py
def assert_no_duplicate_service_checks(self):
Assert no duplicate service checks have been submitted.
Service checks are considered duplicate when all following fields match:
- metric name
- status
- tags
- hostname
service_check_stubs = [m for metrics in self._service_checks.values() for m in metrics]
def stub_to_key_fn(stub):
return stub.name, stub.status, str(sorted(stub.tags)), stub.hostname
self._assert_no_duplicate_stub('service_check', service_check_stubs, stub_to_key_fn)
Assert no duplicate metrics and service checks have been submitted.
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/stubs/aggregator.py
def assert_no_duplicate_all(self):
Assert no duplicate metrics and service checks have been submitted.
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/stubs/aggregator.py
def all_metrics_asserted(self):
assert self.metrics_asserted_pct >= 100.0
Set the stub to its initial state
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/stubs/aggregator.py
def reset(self):
Set the stub to its initial state
self._metrics = defaultdict(list)
self._asserted = set()
self._service_checks = defaultdict(list)
self._events = []
# dict[event_type, [events]]
self._event_platform_events = defaultdict(list)
self._histogram_buckets = defaultdict(list)
This implements the methods defined by the Agent's C bindings which in turn call the Go backend.
It also provides utility methods for test assertions.
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/stubs/datadog_agent.py
class DatadogAgentStub(object):
This implements the methods defined by the Agent's
[C bindings](https://github.com/DataDog/datadog-agent/blob/master/rtloader/common/builtins/datadog_agent.c)
which in turn call the
[Go backend](https://github.com/DataDog/datadog-agent/blob/master/pkg/collector/python/datadog_agent.go).
It also provides utility methods for test assertions.
def __init__(self):
self._sent_logs = defaultdict(list)
self._metadata = {}
self._cache = {}
self._config = self.get_default_config()
self._hostname = 'stubbed.hostname'
self._process_start_time = 0
self._external_tags = []
self._host_tags = "{}"
self._sent_telemetry = defaultdict(list)
def get_default_config(self):
return {'enable_metadata_collection': True}
def reset(self):
self._config = self.get_default_config()
self._process_start_time = 0
self._external_tags = []
self._host_tags = "{}"
def assert_logs(self, check_id, logs):
sent_logs = self._sent_logs[check_id]
assert sent_logs == logs, 'Expected {} logs for check {}, found {}. Submitted logs: {}'.format(
len(logs), check_id, len(self._sent_logs[check_id]), repr(self._sent_logs)
def assert_metadata(self, check_id, data):
actual = {}
for name in data:
key = (check_id, name)
if key in self._metadata:
actual[name] = self._metadata[key]
assert data == actual
def assert_metadata_count(self, count):
metadata_items = len(self._metadata)
assert metadata_items == count, 'Expected {} metadata items, found {}. Submitted metadata: {}'.format(
count, metadata_items, repr(self._metadata)
def assert_external_tags(self, hostname, external_tags, match_tags_order=False):
for h, tags in self._external_tags:
if h == hostname:
if not match_tags_order:
external_tags = {k: sorted(v) for (k, v) in external_tags.items()}
tags = {k: sorted(v) for (k, v) in tags.items()}
assert (
external_tags == tags
), 'Expected {} external tags for hostname {}, found {}. Submitted external tags: {}'.format(
external_tags, hostname, tags, repr(self._external_tags)
raise AssertionError('Hostname {} not found in external tags {}'.format(hostname, repr(self._external_tags)))
def assert_external_tags_count(self, count):
tags_count = len(self._external_tags)
assert tags_count == count, 'Expected {} external tags items, found {}. Submitted external tags: {}'.format(
count, tags_count, repr(self._external_tags)
def assert_telemetry(self, check_name, metric_name, metric_type, metric_value):
values = self._sent_telemetry[(check_name, metric_name, metric_type)]
assert metric_value in values, 'Expected value {} for check {}, metric {}, type {}. Found {}.'.format(
metric_value, check_name, metric_name, metric_type, values
def get_hostname(self):
return self._hostname
def set_hostname(self, hostname):
self._hostname = hostname
def reset_hostname(self):
self._hostname = 'stubbed.hostname'
def get_host_tags(self):
return self._host_tags
def _set_host_tags(self, tags_dict):
self._host_tags = json.encode(tags_dict)
def _reset_host_tags(self):
self._host_tags = "{}"
def get_config(self, config_option):
return self._config.get(config_option, '')
def get_version(self):
return '0.0.0'
def log(self, *args, **kwargs):
def set_check_metadata(self, check_id, name, value):
self._metadata[(check_id, name)] = value
def send_log(self, log_line, check_id):
def set_external_tags(self, external_tags):
self._external_tags = external_tags
def tracemalloc_enabled(self, *args, **kwargs):
return False
def write_persistent_cache(self, key, value):
self._cache[key] = value
def read_persistent_cache(self, key):
return self._cache.get(key, '')
def obfuscate_sql(self, query, options=None):
# Full obfuscation implementation is in go code.
if options:
# Options provided is a JSON string because the Go stub requires it, whereas
# the python stub does not for things such as testing.
if json.decode(options).get('return_json_metadata', False):
return json.encode({'query': re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', query or '').strip(), 'metadata': {}})
return re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', query or '').strip()
def obfuscate_sql_exec_plan(self, plan, normalize=False):
# Passthrough stub: obfuscation implementation is in Go code.
return plan
def get_process_start_time(self):
return self._process_start_time
def set_process_start_time(self, time):
self._process_start_time = time
def obfuscate_mongodb_string(self, command):
# Passthrough stub: obfuscation implementation is in Go code.
return command
def emit_agent_telemetry(self, check_name, metric_name, metric_value, metric_type):
self._sent_telemetry[(check_name, metric_name, metric_type)].append(metric_value)
assert_metadata(check_id, data)
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/stubs/datadog_agent.py
def assert_metadata(self, check_id, data):
actual = {}
for name in data:
key = (check_id, name)
if key in self._metadata:
actual[name] = self._metadata[key]
assert data == actual
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/stubs/datadog_agent.py
def assert_metadata_count(self, count):
metadata_items = len(self._metadata)
assert metadata_items == count, 'Expected {} metadata items, found {}. Submitted metadata: {}'.format(
count, metadata_items, repr(self._metadata)
Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/stubs/datadog_agent.py
def reset(self):
self._config = self.get_default_config()
self._process_start_time = 0
self._external_tags = []
self._host_tags = "{}"