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Log Crawlers


Some systems expose their logs from HTTP endpoints instead of files that the Logs Agent can tail. In such cases, you can create an Agent integration to crawl the endpoints and submit the logs.

The following diagram illustrates how crawling logs integrates into the Datadog Agent.

graph LR
    subgraph "Agent Integration (you write this)"
    A[Log Stream] -->|Log Records| B(Log Crawler Check)
    subgraph Agent
    B -->|Save Logs| C[(Log File)]
    D(Logs Agent) -->|Tail Logs| C
    D -->|Submit Logs| E(Logs Intake)



Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/checks/logs/crawler/
class LogCrawlerCheck(AgentCheck, ABC):
    def get_log_streams(self) -> Iterable[LogStream]:
        Yields the log streams associated with this check.

    def process_streams(self) -> None:
        Process the log streams and send the collected logs.

        Crawler checks that need more functionality can implement the `check` method and call this directly.
        for stream in self.get_log_streams():
            last_cursor = self.get_log_cursor(
            for record in stream.records(cursor=last_cursor):
                self.send_log(, cursor=record.cursor,

    def check(self, _) -> None:

get_log_streams() abstractmethod

Yields the log streams associated with this check.

Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/checks/logs/crawler/
def get_log_streams(self) -> Iterable[LogStream]:
    Yields the log streams associated with this check.


Process the log streams and send the collected logs.

Crawler checks that need more functionality can implement the check method and call this directly.

Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/checks/logs/crawler/
def process_streams(self) -> None:
    Process the log streams and send the collected logs.

    Crawler checks that need more functionality can implement the `check` method and call this directly.
    for stream in self.get_log_streams():
        last_cursor = self.get_log_cursor(
        for record in stream.records(cursor=last_cursor):
            self.send_log(, cursor=record.cursor,


Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/checks/logs/crawler/
def check(self, _) -> None:

Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/checks/logs/crawler/
class LogStream(ABC):
    def __init__(self, *, check: AgentCheck, name: str):
        self.__check = check
        self.__name = name

    def check(self) -> AgentCheck:
        The AgentCheck instance associated with this LogStream.
        return self.__check

    def name(self) -> str:
        The name of this LogStream.
        return self.__name

    def construct_tags(self, tags: list[str]) -> list[str]:
        Returns a formatted string of tags which may be used directly as the `ddtags` field of logs.
        This will include the `tags` from the integration instance config.
        formatted_tags = ','.join(tags)
        return f'{self.check.formatted_tags},{formatted_tags}' if self.check.formatted_tags else formatted_tags

    def records(self, *, cursor: dict[str, Any] | None = None) -> Iterable[LogRecord]:
        Yields log records as they are received.

records(*, cursor=None) abstractmethod

Yields log records as they are received.

Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/checks/logs/crawler/
def records(self, *, cursor: dict[str, Any] | None = None) -> Iterable[LogRecord]:
    Yields log records as they are received.

__init__(*, check, name)

Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/checks/logs/crawler/
def __init__(self, *, check: AgentCheck, name: str):
    self.__check = check
    self.__name = name

Source code in datadog_checks_base/datadog_checks/base/checks/logs/crawler/
class LogRecord:
    __slots__ = ('cursor', 'data')

    def __init__(self, data: dict[str, str], *, cursor: dict[str, Any] | None): = data
        self.cursor = cursor

Last update: September 4, 2024