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All configuration can be managed entirely by the ddev config command group. To locate the TOML config file, run:

ddev config find


All CLI commands are aware of the current repository context, defined by the option repo. This option should be a reference to a key in repos which is set to the path of a supported repository. For example, this configuration:

repo = "core"

core = "/path/to/integrations-core"
extras = "/path/to/integrations-extras"
agent = "/path/to/datadog-agent"

would make it so running e.g. ddev test nginx will look for an integration named nginx in /path/to/integrations-core no matter what directory you are in. If the selected path does not exist, then the current directory will be used.

By default, repo is set to core.


For running environments with a live Agent, you can select a specific build version to use with the option agent. This option should be a reference to a key in agents which is a mapping of environment types to Agent versions. For example, this configuration:

agent = "master"

docker = "datadog/agent-dev:master"
local = "latest"

docker = "datadog/agent:7.18.1"
local = "7.18.1"

would make it so environments that define the type as docker will use the Docker image that was built with the latest commit to the datadog-agent repo.


You can switch to using a particular organization with the option org. This option should be a reference to a key in orgs which is a mapping containing data specific to the organization. For example, this configuration:

org = "staging"

api_key = "<API_KEY>"
app_key = "<APP_KEY>"
site = ""

would use the access keys for the organization named staging and would submit data to the EU region.

The supported fields are:


To avoid GitHub's public API rate limits, you need to set github.user/github.token in your config file or use the DD_GITHUB_USER/DD_GITHUB_TOKEN environment variables.

Run ddev config show to see if your GitHub user and token is set.

If not:

  1. Run ddev config set github.user <YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME>
  2. Create a personal access token with public_repo and read:org permissions
  3. Run ddev config set github.token then paste the token
  4. Enable single sign-on for the token

Last update: May 30, 2022