


Welcome to the Orchestrion documentation!

What is Orchestrion?

Orchestrion is a tool that adds Datadog instrumentation to Go applications automatically at build time. To do so, it uses the standard Go toolchain’s -toolexec feature to intercept and possibly modify compilation units before they are compiled or linked.


  • Unobtrusive – Orchestrion lets developers focus on creating business value instead of wasting their time baking observability instrumentation into their applications.

  • Exhaustive – By running as a -toolexec proxy, Orchestrion can not only add instrumentation into the application’s code; it can also add instrumentation into the dependencies’ code, including into the Go standard library.

  • Flexible – Developers can easily influence the observability data produced by their applications by adding special directives, such as //dd:ignore, or //dd:span custom-tag:value.

  • Configurable – Orchestrion’s code manipulations can be configured with simple YAML documents, allowing developers to provide specific instrumentation configurations for their own frameworks, if Datadog’s provided configuration does not cover these.

Questions or Feedback?

Orchestrion is still under active development, and features and APIs are subject to change.

Have a question or feedback? Feel free to open an issue, or engage with us and the community on GitHub discussions.


Dive right into the following section to get started:

Last updated on