
Those integration are enabled by having the following import in the project’s orchestrion.tool.go file:

import (
	_ ""

	_ "" // integration

Official package for interacting with a Vault server.


Join Point
Struct literal api.Config
  • Pointer or Value
Replace the expression using the template:
// Using the following synthetic imports:
import (
	vaulttrace ""
{{- .AST.Type -}}{
	{{- $hasField := false -}}
	{{ range .AST.Elts }}
	{{- if eq .Key.Name "HttpClient" }}
	{{- $hasField = true -}}
	HttpClient: vaulttrace.WrapHTTPClient({{ .Value }}),
	{{- else -}}
	{{ . }},
	{{ end -}}
	{{ end }}
	{{- if not $hasField -}}
	HttpClient: vaulttrace.NewHTTPClient(),
	{{- end }}