
Those integrations are enabled by having the following import in the project’s orchestrion.tool.go file:

import (
	_ "github.com/DataDog/orchestrion"

	_ "gopkg.in/DataDog/dd-trace-go.v1/ddtrace/tracer" // integration


Automatically starts the gopkg.in/DataDog/dd-trace-go.v1/ddtrace/tracer at the start of the application, and closes it at exit of the main function.

Adding the //dd:span directive on functions creates custom spans representing every call to that function. The default operation (span) name is the name of the function, and this can be overridden using a "span.name" argument to the directive:

//dd:span span.name:custom-operation-name other:tag
func myFunction() {
  // The default operation name would have been "myFunction"

Function literal expressions don't have a function name, and their default operation name is the value of the very first directive argument (if there is one). If there are no directive arguments, the operation name will remain blank.

//dd:span other:tag span.name:custom-operation-name
myOp := func() {
  // The default operation name would have been "tag"


Join Point
Definition of runtime.g
Add new field __dd_gls of type any.
Add blank import of unsafe
Introduce new declarations:
//go:linkname __dd_orchestrion_gls_get __dd_orchestrion_gls_get
var __dd_orchestrion_gls_get = func() any {
	return getg().m.curg.__dd_gls

//go:linkname __dd_orchestrion_gls_set __dd_orchestrion_gls_set
var __dd_orchestrion_gls_set = func(val any) {
	getg().m.curg.__dd_gls = val


Join Point
All of
  • Import path runtime
  • Function body
    • Function declaration
      • Function name goexit1
Prepend statements produced by the following template:
getg().__dd_gls = nil

func main()

Join Point
All of
  • Package name main
  • Is test main false
  • Function body
    • Function declaration
      • Function name main
      • Signature matches
        • Arguments None
        • Results None
Introduce new declarations:
// Using the following synthetic imports:
import (
	tracer "gopkg.in/DataDog/dd-trace-go.v1/ddtrace/tracer"
func init() {
	tracer.Start(tracer.WithOrchestrion(map[string]string{"version": {{printf "%q" Version}}}))
Prepend statements produced by the following template:
// Using the following synthetic imports:
import (
	tracer "gopkg.in/DataDog/dd-trace-go.v1/ddtrace/tracer"
defer tracer.Stop()


Join Point
Function body
  • Has directive //dd:span
Prepend statements produced by the following template:
// Using the following synthetic imports:
import (
	context "context"
	tracer "gopkg.in/DataDog/dd-trace-go.v1/ddtrace/tracer"
{{- $ctx := .Function.ArgumentOfType "context.Context" -}}
{{- $req := .Function.ArgumentOfType "*net/http.Request" -}}
{{- if (eq $ctx "") -}}
	{{- $ctx = "ctx" -}}
	ctx := {{- with $req -}}
		{{ $req }}.Context()
	{{- else -}}
	{{- end }}
{{ end -}}

{{ $functionName := .Function.Name -}}
{{- $opName := $functionName -}}
{{- range .DirectiveArgs "dd:span" -}}
	{{- if eq $opName "" -}}
		{{ $opName = .Value }}
	{{- end -}}
	{{- if eq .Key "span.name" -}}
		{{- $opName = .Value -}}
		{{- break -}}
	{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

var span tracer.Span
span, {{ $ctx }} = tracer.StartSpanFromContext({{ $ctx }}, {{ printf "%q" $opName }},
	{{- with $functionName }}
		tracer.Tag("function-name", {{ printf "%q" $functionName }}),
	{{ end -}}
	{{- range .DirectiveArgs "dd:span" }}
		{{ if eq .Key "span.name" -}}{{- continue -}}{{- end -}}
		tracer.Tag({{ printf "%q" .Key }}, {{ printf "%q" .Value }}),
	{{- end }}
{{- with $req }}
	{{ $req }} = {{ $req }}.WithContext({{ $ctx }})
{{- end }}

{{ with .Function.ResultOfType "error" -}}
	defer func(){
		span.Finish(tracer.WithError({{ . }}))
{{ else -}}
	defer span.Finish()
{{- end -}}


Operations that interact with Go's runtime system.


Join Point
Definition of runtime.g
Add new field __dd_gls of type any.
Add blank import of unsafe
Introduce new declarations:
//go:linkname __dd_orchestrion_gls_get __dd_orchestrion_gls_get
var __dd_orchestrion_gls_get = func() any {
	return getg().m.curg.__dd_gls

//go:linkname __dd_orchestrion_gls_set __dd_orchestrion_gls_set
var __dd_orchestrion_gls_set = func(val any) {
	getg().m.curg.__dd_gls = val


Join Point
All of
  • Import path runtime
  • Function body
    • Function declaration
      • Function name goexit1
Prepend statements produced by the following template:
getg().__dd_gls = nil