



This page provides procedures you can follow to get insight into what happened during an orchestrion-managed build. Some of this information will be incredibly helpful to our engineers to assist with bug reports. However, please be mindful that these files often contain details about your project such as parts of its source code, the names of some of the dependencies your code uses, etc…, which may not be possible to share publicly over GitHub issues.

If that is your case, or if you have a doubt whether you can share those files publicly or not, please enagage with Datadog support in order to share some or all of this information privately instead.

Preserving the work tree

Orchestrion records data that can allow re-constructing all transformations that it applied to your source files within the go build work tree. By default, the go toolchain cleans up this directory at the end of a build, but passing the -work flag will cause it to preserve those directories for later inspection.

$ orchestrion go build -work ./...

The go toolchain working directory is printed out at the very beginning of the build, preceded by the WORK= marker. This directory contains one or more sub-directories, each corresponding to one of the built go packages.

Contents of the work tree

When orchestrion injects code into a source file, it writes the complete modified file in the relevant package’s stage directory, int the orchestrion/src sub-directory. If it modifies package import configurations, the original configuration file is preserved with a .original suffix.

For example, this could look something like the following:

        • a.out
      • pkg.a
      • importcfg
          • server.go
      • pkg.a
      • importcfg
      • importcfg.original
      • The contents of these files is human-readable, and you may inspect them to get an understanding of what happened, see if Orchestrion did anything unexpected. If you find yourself unable to make sense of what you see in these files, our engineers will be happy to assist.

        Extensive Logging

        Configuring Log Level

        Orchestrion can be configured to output extensive logging during operations. This is configured by setting the ORCHESTRION_LOG_LEVEL environment variable or --log-level orchestrion flag to one of the following values:

        ORCHESTRION_LOG_LEVEL Description
        NONE, OFF (default)No logging output is produced
        ERRORLogs only error information
        WARNLogs error information and warnings
        INFOLogs error information, warnings, and informational messages
        DEBUGDetailed logging
        TRACEExtremely detailed logging
        Setting ORCHESTRION_LOG_LEVEL to the DEBUG or TRACE levels may have a significant impact on build performance, and we do not generally recommend using these settings during normal operations.

        Sending log output to files

        By default, logging messages are sent to the process’ console. It can however be useful to instead send those messages to one or more files, as these can be easier to investigate after the fact. To do so, set the ORCHESTRION_LOG_FILE environment variable or --log-file orchestrion flag to the path of the file to write logs to.

        Setting ORCHESTRION_LOG_FILE changes the default value of ORCHESTRION_LOG_LEVEL to WARN.

        The tokens $PID and ${PID} in ORCHESTRION_LOG_FILE are automatically replaced by the loggin process’ PID. This can cause a significant amount of files to be created when building large projects, but reduces contention writing to each file.

        If the file already exists, new entries are appended to it, instead of clobbering it.

        Last updated on