The downtime object definition of the active child for the original parent recurring downtime. This field will only exist on recurring downtimes.


  • DowntimeChild



active?: boolean

If a scheduled downtime currently exists.

additionalProperties?: {
    [key: string]: any;

A container for additional, undeclared properties. This is a holder for any undeclared properties as specified with the 'additionalProperties' keyword in the OAS document.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any
canceled?: number

If a scheduled downtime is canceled.

creatorId?: number

User ID of the downtime creator.

disabled?: boolean

If a downtime has been disabled.

downtimeType?: number

0 for a downtime applied on * or all, 1 when the downtime is only scoped to hosts, or 2 when the downtime is scoped to anything but hosts.

end?: number

POSIX timestamp to end the downtime. If not provided, the downtime is in effect indefinitely until you cancel it.

id?: number

The downtime ID.

message?: string

A message to include with notifications for this downtime. Email notifications can be sent to specific users by using the same @username notation as events.

monitorId?: number

A single monitor to which the downtime applies. If not provided, the downtime applies to all monitors.

monitorTags?: string[]

A comma-separated list of monitor tags. For example, tags that are applied directly to monitors, not tags that are used in monitor queries (which are filtered by the scope parameter), to which the downtime applies. The resulting downtime applies to monitors that match ALL provided monitor tags. For example, service:postgres AND team:frontend.

muteFirstRecoveryNotification?: boolean

If the first recovery notification during a downtime should be muted.

notifyEndStates?: NotifyEndState[]

States for which notify_end_types sends out notifications for.

notifyEndTypes?: NotifyEndType[]

If set, notifies if a monitor is in an alert-worthy state (ALERT, WARNING, or NO DATA) when this downtime expires or is canceled. Applied to monitors that change states during the downtime (such as from OK to ALERT, WARNING, or NO DATA), and to monitors that already have an alert-worthy state when downtime begins.

parentId?: number

ID of the parent Downtime.

recurrence?: DowntimeRecurrence

An object defining the recurrence of the downtime.

scope?: string[]

The scope(s) to which the downtime applies and must be in key:value format. For example, host:app2. Provide multiple scopes as a comma-separated list like env:dev,env:prod. The resulting downtime applies to sources that matches ALL provided scopes (env:dev AND env:prod).

start?: number

POSIX timestamp to start the downtime. If not provided, the downtime starts the moment it is created.

timezone?: string

The timezone in which to display the downtime's start and end times in Datadog applications.

updaterId?: number

ID of the last user that updated the downtime.

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