additionalA container for additional, undeclared properties. This is a holder for any undeclared properties as specified with the 'additionalProperties' keyword in the OAS document.
aggregationType of aggregation performed in the monitor query.
deviceIDs of the device the Synthetics monitor is running on.
enableWhether or not to send a log sample when the log monitor triggers.
enableWhether or not to send a list of samples when the monitor triggers. This is only used by CI Test and Pipeline monitors.
escalationWe recommend using the is_renotify,
block in the original message instead.
A message to include with a re-notification. Supports the @username
notification we allow elsewhere.
Not applicable if renotify_interval
is None
evaluationTime (in seconds) to delay evaluation, as a non-negative integer. For example, if the value is set to 300
the timeframe is set to last_5m
and the time is 7:00, the monitor evaluates data from 6:50 to 6:55.
This is useful for AWS CloudWatch and other backfilled metrics to ensure the monitor always has data during evaluation.
groupThe time span after which groups with missing data are dropped from the monitor state. The minimum value is one hour, and the maximum value is 72 hours. Example values are: "60m", "1h", and "2d". This option is only available for APM Trace Analytics, Audit Trail, CI, Error Tracking, Event, Logs, and RUM monitors.
groupbyWhether the log alert monitor triggers a single alert or multiple alerts when any group breaches a threshold. Use notify_by
includeA Boolean indicating whether notifications from this monitor automatically inserts its triggering tags into the title.
, [Triggered on {host:h1}] Monitor Title
, [Triggered] Monitor Title
lockedWhether or not the monitor is locked (only editable by creator and admins). Use restricted_roles
minHow long the test should be in failure before alerting (integer, number of seconds, max 7200).
minThe minimum number of locations in failure at the same time during
at least one moment in the min_failure_duration
period (min_location_failed
and min_failure_duration
are part of the advanced alerting rules - integer, >= 1).
newTime (in seconds) to skip evaluations for new groups.
For example, this option can be used to skip evaluations for new hosts while they initialize.
Must be a non negative integer.
newTime (in seconds) to allow a host to boot and applications to fully start before starting the evaluation of monitor results. Should be a non negative integer.
Use new_group_delay instead.
noThe number of minutes before a monitor notifies after data stops reporting. Datadog recommends at least 2x the monitor timeframe for query alerts or 2 minutes for service checks. If omitted, 2x the evaluation timeframe is used for query alerts, and 24 hours is used for service checks.
notificationToggles the display of additional content sent in the monitor notification.
notifyA Boolean indicating whether tagged users is notified on changes to this monitor.
notifyControls what granularity a monitor alerts on. Only available for monitors with groupings.
For instance, a monitor grouped by cluster
, namespace
, and pod
can be configured to only notify on each
new cluster
violating the alert conditions by setting notify_by
to ["cluster"]
. Tags mentioned
in notify_by
must be a subset of the grouping tags in the query.
For example, a query grouped by cluster
and namespace
cannot notify on region
Setting notify_by
to [*]
configures the monitor to notify as a simple-alert.
notifyA Boolean indicating whether this monitor notifies when data stops reporting. Defaults to false
onControls how groups or monitors are treated if an evaluation does not return any data points. The default option results in different behavior depending on the monitor query type. For monitors using Count queries, an empty monitor evaluation is treated as 0 and is compared to the threshold conditions. For monitors using any query type other than Count, for example Gauge, Measure, or Rate, the monitor shows the last known status. This option is only available for APM Trace Analytics, Audit Trail, CI, Error Tracking, Event, Logs, and RUM monitors.
renotifyThe number of minutes after the last notification before a monitor re-notifies on the current status. It only re-notifies if it’s not resolved.
renotifyThe number of times re-notification messages should be sent on the current status at the provided re-notification interval.
renotifyThe types of monitor statuses for which re-notification messages are sent.
Default: null if renotify_interval
is null.
If renotify_interval
is set, defaults to renotify on Alert
and No Data
requireA Boolean indicating whether this monitor needs a full window of data before it’s evaluated.
We highly recommend you set this to false
for sparse metrics,
otherwise some evaluations are skipped. Default is false. This setting only applies to
metric monitors.
schedulingConfiguration options for scheduling.
silencedInformation about the downtime applied to the monitor. Only shows v1 downtimes.
syntheticsID of the corresponding Synthetic check.
thresholdAlerting time window options.
thresholdsList of the different monitor threshold available.
timeoutHThe number of hours of the monitor not reporting data before it automatically resolves from a triggered state. The minimum allowed value is 0 hours. The maximum allowed value is 24 hours.
variablesList of requests that can be used in the monitor query. This feature is currently in beta.
Generated using TypeDoc
List of options associated with your monitor.