A service level objective object includes a service level indicator, thresholds for one or more timeframes, and metadata (name, description, tags, etc.).


  • ServiceLevelObjectiveRequest



additionalProperties?: {
    [key: string]: any;

A container for additional, undeclared properties. This is a holder for any undeclared properties as specified with the 'additionalProperties' keyword in the OAS document.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any
description?: string

A user-defined description of the service level objective.

Always included in service level objective responses (but may be null). Optional in create/update requests.

groups?: string[]

A list of (up to 100) monitor groups that narrow the scope of a monitor service level objective.

Included in service level objective responses if it is not empty. Optional in create/update requests for monitor service level objectives, but may only be used when then length of the monitor_ids field is one.

monitorIds?: number[]

A list of monitor IDs that defines the scope of a monitor service level objective. Required if type is monitor.

name: string

The name of the service level objective object.

A metric-based SLO. Required if type is metric. Note that Datadog only allows the sum by aggregator to be used because this will sum up all request counts instead of averaging them, or taking the max or min of all of those requests.

sliSpecification?: SLOSliSpec

A generic SLI specification. This is currently used for time-slice SLOs only.

tags?: string[]

A list of tags associated with this service level objective. Always included in service level objective responses (but may be empty). Optional in create/update requests.

targetThreshold?: number

The target threshold such that when the service level indicator is above this threshold over the given timeframe, the objective is being met.

thresholds: SLOThreshold[]

The thresholds (timeframes and associated targets) for this service level objective object.

timeframe?: SLOTimeframe

The SLO time window options. Note that "custom" is not a valid option for creating or updating SLOs. It is only used when querying SLO history over custom timeframes.

type: SLOType

The type of the service level objective.

warningThreshold?: number

The optional warning threshold such that when the service level indicator is below this value for the given threshold, but above the target threshold, the objective appears in a "warning" state. This value must be greater than the target threshold.

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