Object describing the extra options for a Synthetic test.


  • SyntheticsMobileTestOptions



additionalProperties?: {
    [key: string]: any;

A container for additional, undeclared properties. This is a holder for any undeclared properties as specified with the 'additionalProperties' keyword in the OAS document.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any
allowApplicationCrash?: boolean

A boolean to set if an application crash would mark the test as failed.

Array of bindings used for the mobile test.

CI/CD options for a Synthetic test.

defaultStepTimeout?: number

The default timeout for steps in the test (in seconds).

deviceIds: string[]

For mobile test, array with the different device IDs used to run the test.

disableAutoAcceptAlert?: boolean

A boolean to disable auto accepting alerts.

minFailureDuration?: number

Minimum amount of time in failure required to trigger an alert.

Mobile application for mobile synthetics test.

monitorName?: string

The monitor name is used for the alert title as well as for all monitor dashboard widgets and SLOs.

Object containing the options for a Synthetic test as a monitor (for example, renotification).

monitorPriority?: number

Integer from 1 (high) to 5 (low) indicating alert severity.

noScreenshot?: boolean

A boolean set to not take a screenshot for the step.

restrictedRoles?: string[]

A list of role identifiers that can be pulled from the Roles API, for restricting read and write access.

Object describing the retry strategy to apply to a Synthetic test.

Object containing timeframes and timezone used for advanced scheduling.

tickEvery: number

The frequency at which to run the Synthetic test (in seconds).

verbosity?: number

The level of verbosity for the mobile test. This field can not be set by a user.

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