Object containing the uptime information.


  • SyntheticsUptime



additionalProperties?: {
    [key: string]: any;

A container for additional, undeclared properties. This is a holder for any undeclared properties as specified with the 'additionalProperties' keyword in the OAS document.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any

An array of error objects returned while querying the history data for the service level objective.

group?: string

The location name

history?: [number, number][]

The state transition history for the monitor, represented as an array of pairs. Each pair is an array where the first element is the transition timestamp in Unix epoch format (integer) and the second element is the state (integer). For the state, an integer value of 0 indicates uptime, 1 indicates downtime, and 2 indicates no data.

spanPrecision?: number

The number of decimal places to which the SLI value is accurate for the given from-to timestamps.

uptime?: number

The overall uptime.

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