Number of hosts/containers recorded for each hour for a given organization.


  • UsageHostHour



additionalProperties?: {
    [key: string]: any;

A container for additional, undeclared properties. This is a holder for any undeclared properties as specified with the 'additionalProperties' keyword in the OAS document.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any
agentHostCount?: number

Contains the total number of infrastructure hosts reporting during a given hour that were running the Datadog Agent.

alibabaHostCount?: number

Contains the total number of hosts that reported through Alibaba integration (and were NOT running the Datadog Agent).

apmAzureAppServiceHostCount?: number

Contains the total number of Azure App Services hosts using APM.

apmHostCount?: number

Shows the total number of hosts using APM during the hour, these are counted as billable (except during trial periods).

awsHostCount?: number

Contains the total number of hosts that reported through the AWS integration (and were NOT running the Datadog Agent).

azureHostCount?: number

Contains the total number of hosts that reported through Azure integration (and were NOT running the Datadog Agent).

containerCount?: number

Shows the total number of containers reported by the Docker integration during the hour.

gcpHostCount?: number

Contains the total number of hosts that reported through the Google Cloud integration (and were NOT running the Datadog Agent).

herokuHostCount?: number

Contains the total number of Heroku dynos reported by the Datadog Agent.

hostCount?: number

Contains the total number of billable infrastructure hosts reporting during a given hour. This is the sum of agent_host_count, aws_host_count, and gcp_host_count.

hour?: Date

The hour for the usage.

infraAzureAppService?: number

Contains the total number of hosts that reported through the Azure App Services integration (and were NOT running the Datadog Agent).

opentelemetryApmHostCount?: number

Contains the total number of hosts using APM reported by Datadog exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector.

opentelemetryHostCount?: number

Contains the total number of hosts reported by Datadog exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector.

orgName?: string

The organization name.

publicId?: string

The organization public ID.

vsphereHostCount?: number

Contains the total number of hosts that reported through vSphere integration (and were NOT running the Datadog Agent).

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