The incident's attributes for an update request.


  • IncidentUpdateAttributes



additionalProperties?: {
    [key: string]: any;

A container for additional, undeclared properties. This is a holder for any undeclared properties as specified with the 'additionalProperties' keyword in the OAS document.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any
customerImpactEnd?: Date

Timestamp when customers were no longer impacted by the incident.

customerImpactScope?: string

A summary of the impact customers experienced during the incident.

customerImpactStart?: Date

Timestamp when customers began being impacted by the incident.

customerImpacted?: boolean

A flag indicating whether the incident caused customer impact.

detected?: Date

Timestamp when the incident was detected.

fields?: {
    [key: string]: IncidentFieldAttributes;

A condensed view of the user-defined fields for which to update selections.

Type declaration

notificationHandles?: IncidentNotificationHandle[]

Notification handles that will be notified of the incident during update.

title?: string

The title of the incident, which summarizes what happened.

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