The JSON:API attributes of the SBOM.


  • SBOMAttributes



additionalProperties?: {
    [key: string]: any;

A container for additional, undeclared properties. This is a holder for any undeclared properties as specified with the 'additionalProperties' keyword in the OAS document.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any
bomFormat: string

Specifies the format of the BOM. This helps to identify the file as CycloneDX since BOM do not have a filename convention nor does JSON schema support namespaces. This value MUST be CycloneDX.

components: SBOMComponent[]

A list of software and hardware components.

metadata: SBOMMetadata

Provides additional information about a BOM.

serialNumber: string

Every BOM generated has a unique serial number, even if the contents of the BOM have not changed overt time. The serial number follows RFC-4122

specVersion: SpecVersion

The version of the CycloneDX specification a BOM conforms to.

version: number

It increments when a BOM is modified. The default value is 1.

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