Class SecurityMonitoringSignalTriageAttributes

Attributes describing a triage state update operation over a security signal.


  • SecurityMonitoringSignalTriageAttributes



additionalProperties?: {
    [key: string]: any;

A container for additional, undeclared properties. This is a holder for any undeclared properties as specified with the 'additionalProperties' keyword in the OAS document.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any
archiveComment?: string

Optional comment to display on archived signals.

archiveCommentTimestamp?: number

Timestamp of the last edit to the comment.

archiveCommentUser?: SecurityMonitoringTriageUser

Object representing a given user entity.

Reason a signal is archived.

Object representing a given user entity.

incidentIds: number[]

Array of incidents that are associated with this signal.

The new triage state of the signal.

stateUpdateTimestamp?: number

Timestamp of the last update to the signal state.

Object representing a given user entity.

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