The updated app definition attributes, such as name, description, and components.


  • UpdateAppResponseDataAttributes



additionalProperties?: {
    [key: string]: any;

A container for additional, undeclared properties. This is a holder for any undeclared properties as specified with the 'additionalProperties' keyword in the OAS document.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any
components?: ComponentGrid[]

The UI components that make up the app.

description?: string

The human-readable description for the app.

embeddedQueries?: Query[]

An array of queries, such as external actions and state variables, that the app uses.

favorite?: boolean

Whether the app is marked as a favorite by the current user.

name?: string

The name of the app.

rootInstanceName?: string

The name of the root component of the app. This must be a grid component that contains all other components.

tags?: string[]

A list of tags for the app, which can be used to filter apps.

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