Interface SecurityMonitoringApiListVulnerableAssetsRequest


  • SecurityMonitoringApiListVulnerableAssetsRequest


filterArch?: string

Filter by architecture.

filterEnvironments?: string

Filter by environment.

filterName?: string

Filter by name.

filterOperatingSystemName?: string

Filter by operating system name.

filterOperatingSystemVersion?: string

Filter by operating system version.

filterRepositoryUrl?: string

Filter by the repository url associated to the asset.

filterRisksHasAccessToSensitiveData?: boolean

Filter whether the asset (Host) has access to sensitive data or not.

filterRisksHasPrivilegedAccess?: boolean

Filter whether the asset (Host) has privileged access or not.

filterRisksInProduction?: boolean

Filter whether the asset is in production or not.

filterRisksIsPubliclyAccessible?: boolean

Filter whether the asset (Host) is publicly accessible or not.

filterRisksUnderAttack?: boolean

Filter whether the asset (Service) is under attack or not.

filterType?: AssetType

Filter by type.

filterVersionFirst?: string

Filter by the first version of the asset since it has been vulnerable.

filterVersionLast?: string

Filter by the last detected version of the asset.

pageNumber?: number

The page number to be retrieved. It should be equal or greater than 1

pageToken?: string

Its value must come from the links section of the response of the first request. Do not manually edit it.

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