Interface Tracer

Tracer is the entry-point of the Datadog tracing implementation.

interface Tracer {
    TracerProvider: TracerProvider;
    appsec: Appsec;
    default: export=.Tracer;
    dogstatsd: DogStatsD;
    llmobs: LLMObs;
    tracer: export=.Tracer;
    extract(format, carrier): null | export=.SpanContext;
    getRumData(): string;
    init(options?): this;
    inject(spanContext, format, carrier): void;
    scope(): Scope;
    setUrl(url): this;
    setUser(user): export=.Tracer;
    startSpan(name, options?): export=.Span;
    trace<T>(name, fn): T;
    trace<T>(name, fn): T;
    trace<T>(name, options, fn): T;
    use<P>(plugin, config?): this;
    wrap<T>(name, fn): T;
    wrap<T>(name, options, fn): T;
    wrap<T>(name, options, fn): T;


  • Tracer
    • Tracer


TracerProvider: TracerProvider
appsec: Appsec
default: export=.Tracer

For compatibility with NodeNext + esModuleInterop: false

dogstatsd: DogStatsD
llmobs: LLMObs

LLM Observability SDK

tracer: export=.Tracer

Add tracer as a named export


  • Returns a SpanContext instance extracted from carrier in the given format.


    • format: string

      The format of the carrier.

    • carrier: any

      The carrier object.

    Returns null | export=.SpanContext

    The extracted SpanContext, or null if no such SpanContext could be found in carrier

  • Returns an HTML string containing tags that should be included in the of a document to enable correlating the current trace with the RUM view. Otherwise, it is not possible to associate the trace used to generate the initial HTML document with a given RUM view. The resulting HTML document should not be cached as the meta tags are time-sensitive and are associated with a specific user.

    Note that this feature is currently not supported by the backend and using it will have no effect.

    Returns string

  • Initializes the tracer. This should be called before importing other libraries.


    Returns this

  • Injects the given SpanContext instance for cross-process propagation within carrier


    • spanContext: export=.Span | export=.SpanContext

      The SpanContext to inject into the carrier object. As a convenience, a Span instance may be passed in instead (in which case its .context() is used for the inject()).

    • format: string

      The format of the carrier.

    • carrier: any

      The carrier object.

    Returns void

  • Sets the URL for the trace agent. This should only be called after init() is called, only in cases where the URL needs to be set after initialization.


    • url: string

    Returns this

  • Links an authenticated user to the current trace.


    • user: User

      Properties of the authenticated user. Accepts custom fields.

    Returns export=.Tracer

    The Tracer instance for chaining.

  • Starts and returns a new Span representing a logical unit of work.


    • name: string

      The name of the operation.

    • Optional options: SpanOptions

      Options for the newly created span.

    Returns export=.Span

    A new Span object.

  • Instruments a function by automatically creating a span activated on its scope.

    The span will automatically be finished when one of these conditions is met:

    • The function returns a promise, in which case the span will finish when the promise is resolved or rejected.
    • The function takes a callback as its second parameter, in which case the span will finish when that callback is called.
    • The function doesn't accept a callback and doesn't return a promise, in which case the span will finish at the end of the function execution.

    If the orphanable option is set to false, the function will not be traced unless there is already an active span or childOf option. Note that this option is deprecated and has been removed in version 4.0.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • name: string
    • fn: ((span) => T)

    Returns T

  • Type Parameters

    • T


    • name: string
    • fn: ((span, done) => T)
        • (span, done): T
        • Parameters

          • span: export=.Span
          • done: ((error?) => void)
              • (error?): void
              • Parameters

                • Optional error: Error

                Returns void

          Returns T

    Returns T

  • Type Parameters

    • T


    • name: string
    • options: TraceOptions & SpanOptions
    • fn: ((span?, done?) => T)
        • (span?, done?): T
        • Parameters

          • Optional span: export=.Span
          • Optional done: ((error?) => void)
              • (error?): void
              • Parameters

                • Optional error: Error

                Returns void

          Returns T

    Returns T

  • Enable and optionally configure a plugin.

    Type Parameters

    • P extends keyof Plugins


    • plugin: P

      The name of a built-in plugin.

    • Optional config: boolean | Plugins[P]

      Configuration options. Can also be false to disable the plugin.

    Returns this

  • Wrap a function to automatically create a span activated on its scope when it's called.

    The span will automatically be finished when one of these conditions is met:

    • The function returns a promise, in which case the span will finish when the promise is resolved or rejected.
    • The function takes a callback as its last parameter, in which case the span will finish when that callback is called.
    • The function doesn't accept a callback and doesn't return a promise, in which case the span will finish at the end of the function execution.

    Type Parameters

    • T = ((...args) => any)


    • name: string
    • fn: T

    Returns T

  • Type Parameters

    • T = ((...args) => any)


    Returns T

  • Type Parameters

    • T = ((...args) => any)


    Returns T

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