Interface LLMObsSpanOptions

interface LLMObsSpanOptions {
    kind: spanKind;
    mlApp?: string;
    modelName?: string;
    modelProvider?: string;
    sessionId?: string;

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kind: spanKind

LLM Observability span kind. One of agent, workflow, task, tool, retrieval, embedding, or llm.

mlApp?: string

The name of the ML application that the agent is orchestrating. If not provided, the default value will be set to mlApp provided during initalization, or DD_LLMOBS_ML_APP.

modelName?: string

The name of the invoked LLM or embedding model. Only used on llm and embedding spans.

modelProvider?: string

The name of the invoked LLM or embedding model provider. Only used on llm and embedding spans. If not provided for LLM or embedding spans, a default value of 'custom' will be set.

sessionId?: string

The ID of the underlying user session. Required for tracking sessions.