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Integration release

Each Agent integration has its own release cycle. Many integrations are actively developed and released often while some are rarely touched (usually indicating feature-completeness).


All releases adhere to Semantic Versioning.

Tags in the form <INTEGRATION_NAME>-<VERSION> are added to the Git repository. Therefore, it's possible to checkout and build the code for a certain version of a specific check.


Configure your GitHub auth.

Identify changes


If you already know which integration you'd like to release, skip this section.

To see all checks that need to be released, run ddev release show ready.

  1. Checkout and pull the most recent version of the master branch.

    git checkout master
    git pull


    Not using the latest version of master may cause errors in the build pipeline.

  2. Review which PRs were merged in between the latest release and the master branch.

    ddev release show changes <INTEGRATION>

    You should ensure that PR titles and changelog labels are correct.

Creating the release

  1. Create a release branch from master (suggested naming format is <USERNAME>/release-<INTEGRATION_NAME>). This has the purpose of opening a PR so others can review the changelog.


    It is critical the branch name is not in the form <USERNAME>/<INTEGRATION_NAME>-<NEW_VERSION> because one of our Gitlab jobs is triggered whenever a Git reference matches that pattern, see #3843 & #3980.

  2. Make the release (Third party integrations).

    • Update the version on datadog_checks/<INTEGRATION>/

    • Update the file This file can be automatically updated by ddev using the following command:

    ddev release changelog <INTEGRATION_NAME> <VERSION>

    This command will list all merged PRs since the last release and creates a changelog entry based on the pull request labels, this means that the version bump needs to be on a separate PR from the one that included the changes. For changelog types, we adhere to those defined by Keep a Changelog. |

  3. Push your branch to GitHub and create a pull request.

    1. Update the title of the PR to something like [Release] Bumped <INTEGRATION> version to <VERSION>.
    2. Ask for a review in Slack.
  4. Merge the pull request after approval or wait for it to be merged.


You need to run certain backend jobs if any changes modified integration metadata or assets such as dashboards. If you are a contributor a datadog employee will handle this.

New integrations (third party integrations)

For first time releases of third party integrations, simply merge the integration to master and a release will be triggered with the specified version number in the about file.

Last update: March 28, 2024